The masses are receptive to what others do. Others like in many many many.
Yep, I agree. No celebrity is going to arrive unless there is a setup for them to leverage the platform in ways they can't elsewhere. One of these aspects would be censorship resistance and the ability to build a tailored experience easily and cheaply that integrates a tokenized economy.
I no longer see how people would prefer scrolling around facebook or instagram with no other purpose than watching what others do and receive nothing rather than choosing to spend that online time wisely.
Perhaps it is the "watching what others do" that is the attraction. People are far less creative than they give themselves credit for - most are just sharers of other's creations.
People post lots of stuff outside Hive and get nothing than validation.
"Validation" - The currency of a generation.
Maybe some of the users might end up becoming a celebrity, never know from where and from who it can all start🤔😂 Spending precious time just to get validation is a waste of energy and resources. Every minute counts
I hope so, this is what happened on places like YouTube ;)
Exactly. You never know and I think it has the best chances of happening like this rather than acquiring already made celebrities. I think the future of such platforms allows the user themselves to become known if they have something to say, a story, a work, something of value for others to watch, read, hear. Put passion, novelty and a good story and you might have a lot of not discovered future celebrities right here right now. Still processing, still yet to be revealed. In online platforms the sky is the limit.
Just like a lot of garage bands turned famous, quite a few tech startups turned giants, were developed from very little capital resources and amateurs giving something a go. Hopefully, we have some of those types here :)
I am sure that we do, time will reveal all of them