Tools are supposed to be our tools, we are not their slaves de facto.
except to the tools of the flesh :D
I went for a cheap MI Fit band and while it had a bunch more, I got what I wanted and even basic sleep analysis which was rather interesting.
I came very close to getting this instead - as I don't worry that much. But it didn't track routes afaik, so I wanted something that had a gps, so I don't have to take my phone.
I think the self assessment factor can be important, as we tend to focus on much of the wrong things, what we enjoy rather than what we need. We are already skewed, the tools can give a pathway to bringing us back to the normal.
Or control our brain through radio waves...
The independence of a phone is a very strong selling point for the Amazfit. And while majority of my music is Spotify nowadays, 2GB space is plenty to last few workouts, just need to find those not DRM'ed mp3s again.
And indeed, the self assessment and features needed is most important. Unless you're prone to marketing and fashion. But then you're going to end up with the smoothest Pavlovian experience yet, AKA the Apple Watch. :D
I don't need music when I run or workout, but I don't mind a good podcast :) for the mp3 download it is for you then. Altho those "Pumping Iron" or BPM 150-170 playlists are enjoyable when... pumping iron.