The concept would actually be this:
- Central explosion, pushing one upward (light) one downward (dark) with hands not quite touching.
I can see it very clearly, but getting into position is the challenge for me - but it looks awesome in my head ;D I was wondering if there is a digital wooden mannequin for Krita as a plugin, would make life easier :)
I don't mind the critique. When it comes to the lessons, I am actually pretty good with it, but my execution sucks. With photography, it is much easier as I don't have to build the image as well.
Super hero poses might help, with a dab of the dramatic from renaissance paintings etc. :)
Check out the accidental renaissance sub-reddit, it is a gold mine of composition and posing of various people in photo journalism - it is a great way to see stuff that is natural, yet impeccably posed and composed!