Lols... red food coloring doesn't come out of much :D
Are we going with "fair" as in equitable or "fair" conflated with equal?
This is the question. In my opinion, I am "targeted" because I can be - I am okay with that, it gives me a competitive advantage in some areas.
Are these "everyday" people you're observing or people who are actually making some money (living or otherwise) from whatever it is they're doing?
Everyday people. Social media people.
As I've seen people calling themselves professional artists/photographers because someone is willing to pay them for something regardless of the quality of their work (from a technical standpoint) and I have seen them
Yeah - I get paid to write too - but would someone give me a book deal or hire me for a newspaper? Selling a piece here or there doesn't make a pro, consuming and criticising the works of pros doesn't either.
I also wondered how some of them were still getting work but I guess there's no accounting for taste XD
Online they aren't - their work is branding themselves.