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RE: OCD community changes and community incubation announcement

in OCD5 years ago

Sounds good and hopefully it will help strengthen some of the niche communities that are struggling with rewards. Distribution is important and that includes content topics - but having a place to "hang the hat" can really help people. The niche communities can also support those who are unsure what to post as they prompt users to get involved - kind of like the competitions can.

Hopefully the support is appreciated by the communities and users that will benefit and I look forward to seeing what comes of it - although, OCD was the community I spent the most time in ;')


We were just trying to get away from you honestly. xD

I am going to post daily in every community OCD support. All of them... Daily.

I'm just gonna write a spin-off of everything you post and cross post to all of them every hour.

That's the spirit!

is @tarazcrown still available?

All the alts will join together to become the most powerful extractor:
