I am a little nervous about sharing these pictures and mentioning this online, but I have always kept it real, so feel in order to keep my authenticity intact, I am obliged.
Most people know me here as someone who is quite serious and talks about serious matters, in a serious voice. Once upon a time I was looked over (literally) at a Fest in Poland, because a person assumed I would be much taller, as they imagined in their head I was a giant - awkward.
I write a lot, I write wide and I generally don't mess around, but here I am with a Gin and Tonic
in front of me...
With candy in it.
And I fucken' like it.
Granted, it's Tanqueray, so it isn't like I am "wasting" good gin, but I have actually started liking it more of late. Normally, I drink Hendrick's with cucumber or sometimes, ginger and cracked black pepper, or Napue (local Finnish) with lingonberry and rosemary - but, when I have been feeling a little frisky... Candy.
Sometimes I choose a candy type and color, but tonight I threw in some gummy bears and a couple red (that is a candy flavor) and licorice ones too - mmmmm.
The best bit is after I finish the drink, I get to chew on the candy and enjoy two of my favorite things - alcohol and sugar in one delicious package. The alcohol does something to the jubes and makes them extra chewy.
Edibles for alcoholics.
Actually, I don't drink that much (I do eat too much sweet food) as my wife doesn't really drink and I *prefer' not to drink alone, but I don't mind having a glass of wine or a mixer of some kind in the evening occasionally. It is nice as it makes me feel like an adult - until I see the candy at the bottom.
You know, I do take life seriously though and always have, but this doesn't mean I don't have fun. It is more quite the opposite actually, as a lot of people who are saying for me to "take it easy" tend to not be enjoying their lives that much - constantly complaining about this and that, why they aren't getting what they want., why people don't respect them, why they are struggling to pay their bills... perhaps it is because they didn't take life seriously enough.
I was talking along these lines with my daughter today, as she has her "grandparent money" burning a hole in her wallet and asked if I could take her to the shop to spend it on something. We are slowly teaching her about financial responsibility and economic opportunity, and her using her own money is important. While she ended up buying a toy cat to go with one of the many soft toys she has, she was also talking about working for money and what happens if a person doesn't work and can't afford to buy things for themselves.
You see - "grandparent money" isn't free money, she has to help them with something around their house in order to get it. It has been this way for a couple years already and she rakes some leaves, helps bake some bread or dusts. Essentially though, she knows that it isn't good enough to play games, she has to do something that they value and helps them in order to get rewarded. She is five, so this is child labor, but it isn't like she is operating a forklift.
But, what we were talking about today was that in order to have a job of some kind that brings money, it requires having a skill that people are willing to pay for. However, while it is nice to have the money, getting the skills and doing the work isn't always fun, as there are some parts that are difficult and take time to learn.
She is like me and while we are talking about things, she adds examples she can relate to, which is because since she was born, I have been creating examples that she can relate to when I explain things. This has worked well so far, as she is able to very quickly grasp concepts, visualize them and then has a mnemonic (like a save point) that she can use to very quickly recall what she knows and apply it.
There really wasn't much at the local supermarket to choose from, but we spent about an hour and half walking along the few small aisles, picking up and playing with random things and laughing together. Smallsteps and I have an absolute ball when we are out and about and when we are doing the things that she wants to do, it is even more fun. With the pace of life, it isn't always possible to give all the time she would like, but today we were there until she was sure she knew what she wanted.
She walked with it for a couple minutes as we went and did the grocery shopping, looking at it hard. I knew what she was doing and after a little bit I asked, "so?"
She names all of her toys, but she puts a lot of thought into each, because once named, it isn't going to change name, so she takes the job seriously.
Speaking about serious issues,
I have finished my Gin, tonic and candy....
Shit's getting real.
Have a great week ahead!
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Better to take life too seriously than not at all if I had to choose. Finding the right balance with slight allowance for personality deviations is key though
Balance is important of course - some people can never relax and that is unhealthy too - but I think less unhealthy than never being able to get moving.
I think the reason for balance in life is so that we can fall down every-now-and-then just to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and go back to a balanced life again.
I have never tried Gin Tonic with candy but hope your bartender would have given you little surprise look 😀. i love monkey 47 drinking with fever tree tonic . i added in it little fresh smashed rosemary and squeezed lime. sweeter version of gin called Sloe Gin i think could make your experience more fantastic.
fever tree tonic is pretty good! I have been liking a local Finnish one a lot lately :)
@meesterboom was talking about making his own - I have never tried it before though.
One of the many things that makes my mother proud is that back in late 2017, my favorite vodka brand shared my drink "recipe" (Boru vodka over mocha chocolate chip ice cream, topped with whipped cream) on social media. 😂
Dang it, they replied here - ~~~ embed:932616663354224640 - but now I don't remember where they shared it (although I mentioned it in WordPress blog post back them)... hmmm...also don't know why I didn't also share it to the blockchain, as it was around the time I joined... hmmm redux... 🤔 twitter metadata:VHJhY2lZb3JrV3JpdGVyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1RyYWNpWW9ya1dyaXRlci9zdGF0dXMvOTMyNjE2NjYzMzU0MjI0NjQwIC0gYnV0IG5vdyBJIGRvbid0IHJlbWVtYmVyIHdoZXJlIHRoZXkgc2hhcmVkIGl0IChhbHRob3VnaCBJIG1lbnRpb25lZCBpdCBpbiBXb3JkUHJlc3MgYmxvZyBwb3N0IGJhY2sgdGhlbSkuLi4gaG1tbS4uLmFsc28gZG9uJ3Qga25vdyB3aHkgSSBkaWRuJ3QgYWxzbyBzaGFyZSBpdCB0byB0aGUgYmxvY2tjaGFpbiwgYXMgaXQgd2FzIGFyb3VuZCB0aGUgdGltZSBJIGpvaW5lZC4uLiBobW1tIHJlZHV4Li4uIPCfpJR8 ~~~
In any case, I'm totally with you on the candy in drinks idea. And the not taking life too seriously. Oh, and as our youngest is now 21 and is at the moment at her newly acquired job at a local grocery store, thanks for making me nostalgic for her younger days with your anecdote about your little smallsteps. I may have to ask her to bring home some candy tonight when her shift is done.
OOOh! I have to try this!
I don't think I have really had anything great shared by a brand, but I did have the ex-Prime Minister of Finland Tweet some of my articles (prior to blockchain) :)
And a bottle of vodka/ gin ;)
If you do, you should do another post about it. Hmm, maybe someone should start a community for drink recipes... 🤔 🍹😋
I think this is the only brand that's ever shared my stuff, but they've also shared (a bunch of times) this graphic I put together way back in 2015...
Therein lies the end of my claim to fame. 😂
And no need - we almost always have a bottle of Vitamin V in the freezer. Sadly not the good stuff at the moment, but still tasty enough. 😎
Lol...Wait till you try chocolate Ice cream with some creamy alcohol like baileys
Omg, it's so good!! I will write to my journal that I have to get bailey's bottle next spring
Hive - connecting people and spreading drinking problems :D
@catvondee right?...Its so nice...I'm trying to cut down these days...Been so out of shape but Bailey's is one of my favorites.
Sounds good!
Have you ever tried a cocktail named Mudslide? It's made with vodka and baileys. There is a version that also takes ice cream! I think you'd like that!
No i haven't...but it sounds nice...love the name alread...I love the name already...
Sounds really odd, as I sit here, enjoying my own glass of G&T (for now, candy-free). I love the topic here, though, the part about free money, especially. What I think is the worst aspect of this current way of parenting is that it goes against a child's natural curiosity, and instinct to be of use. Obviously, I don't have any kids of my own yet, but when I was working as a babysitter, the kids (smaller or around Smallsteps's age) were always eager to help out with the cooking, or clean up the toys after we were done playing. I remember at one point I even had an argument with the older boy over using a seriously sharp grown-up knife. What didn't occur to me at the time was that he'd been brought up to be responsible.
So, by not allowing or inviting kids to help around the house, it's not just bad 'cause it doesn't teach them about responsibility. It's actively against their nature, I feel.
At her grandparent's she gets paid, but at home, she knows she has responsibilities - like neatening her room and putting her clothes into the washing basket etc. Little things, but they are clear.
A few weeks ago, she asked what our responsibilities as parents are.
Interesting isn't it? A lot of parents treat their kids like they are incapable of taking responsibility over things, and then wonder why they grow up largely useless and dependent. Smallsteps plays with scissors :)
Kids are far smarter than we raise them to be.
Lol. That's awesome. I will have to try that in a gin!
I have never tried, but it is possible to do this over longer periods of time to make your own flavours. Pack the candy in a bottle, fill with gin/ vodka and then after a few weeks, they dissolve into it :)
I have seen people do that with skittles and other types of candy. I am going to be making sloe gin (yummy) soon with the berries picked from my garden!
That sounds decent! I should do the same with some of the garden berries we have next year :)
Those added candies sure make for some colorful and intriguing close ups.
I loved this personal story, even more as it's involving that amazing 5 year old of yours and how she's being raised.
I would like to get the flash for some pict of this, but it is quite late here already, so next drink
I don't let her see me drinking candy juice ;)
Don't wait too many drinks before you use the flash, as its reflection might give you a headache ;^)
And wise move to not show this to your li'l lady. She might like it so much that you will need to add candy to her water from that moment onward. I have a 5 year old niece ( daughter of my twin sister ) who seems to be addicted to sugar these days and believe me when I tell you that she's already hyper enough without it...
We are lucky with our daughter, as we have kept her largely eating really healthily, as she had allergies early and couldn't eat much. Now, she doesn't really like eating too much sweet stuff :)
This is the part that scares me whenever I think of how am going to be a father someday. How do I slowly teach my child? What do I do when they start getting rebellious.
It’s really a nice thing you are teaching her these things right now she will grow up to be grateful that you taught her all these.
A bit at a time and while I don't know what it will be like when she rebels for real (she is stubborn), I think it is important to build the relationship so kids know that if they need, they can always talk.
It's been a couple of years now since I have had a drink, I preferred beer when I did buy beer to drink and not use for medicinal purposes. Medicinal purpose kind of spoiled me on drinking beer. But I do like tonic water, mostly plain and straight and try to have a few gulps every day out of the bottle. I never thought of putting some candy in a glass and slow sipping the tonic water, I might have to try that, but I don't do candies very often at all, but it gives me an idea to try for the next time my throat is bothering me, drop a couple throat candies and slow drink.
this is the way to do it! Two birds ... :)
I only recently restarted to enjoy Tonic Water, I used to drink it all the time, but for the last 10 months, (this year), been enjoying a few gulps almost every day.
To take life seriously is to respect our life and that of others. But we must live it with a little lightness, without making a drama out of everything. I believe that there are moments, situations or circumstances that require determination and responsibility. Other moments in which we can relax, have fun or do whatever you prefer. We have obligations, but not everything in life is an obligation, that is, we have duties to fulfill, but we also have the right to have fun. So I totally agree that there must be a balance. Greetings.
I wish more people on the internet (and life in general) would take this advice. Drama, drama everywhere - but not a thought to think.
Exactly what an alcoholic would say. I bet you could “quit any time” huh? ;)
My drinking isn't hurting anyone. I can still function. It makes me a better person.
I'm just giving you shit. A real alcoholic wouldn't fuss with the candy bro.
But a fat alcoholic might... ;D
Hey, what an interesting post, I read it and it seemed so natural to me, it is very pleasant and funny at the same time the relationship you have with drinking, I think that as a parent we all have something that we love but of which we have to be aware of its limit so as not to affect family relationships, like everything on planet earth, life is about a balance, in the case of the family one has to accept that one has to know how to do things with the family environment.
In your writing I realized late that we were already talking about your daughter now, I liked it a lot because you knew how to take me from an adult topic to an adult one, but with reference to the child, I have several nieces, not daughters, but nieces, to the which we are constantly educating, and I am very pleased that you are teaching her since she was little the value of and the cost of money, which has a lot to do with what to do, I just hope that your daughter can somehow get to be able to make money doing what He likes it, of course that has to do with constant education and family support, but from what I see, he is in very good hands.
Thank you very much for this nice post.
Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, life is about balance and finding ways to build family, with by blood or relationship - good communication makes everything easier :)
I like a good G&T but I prefer a Gin Fizz! Worth a try if you never had one.
Also, great pictures! I'm an amateur mixologist and I'd really like to take that kind of pictures of the drinks I make.
Very nice story too! I hope you have a great week
A mixologist sounds like a DJ! ;D
Never had a Gin Fizz, but i wouldn't mind experimenting with some pseudo- product photography at home sometime. An excuse to get more fancy drinks on the bar.
I only tell you to take it easy/push back if I think you're getting too thingi about something XP
Almost literally lolly water! :D
Lol yeah. Now you sound like my dad. ;D
Educating the young about money and responsibility is smart, as they will retain those valuable lessons for their entire life. Your candy drink sound tasty. Do you ever use it as a reward for yourself?
Nah, I think rewards should be special - but I can do this daily if I choose :) - I don't.
But, just thinking about what you said, I am not sure what I reward myself with....
Without a doubt, life is a very serious responsibility, but there are always times to put aside the stress of the day to day, take everything in stride. and enjoy a drink or something to help you relax and forget about everything for a moment. I love that you teach your precious daughter the value of earning the money to obtain her own things, that will help her so that when she is older she knows what it means to earn things with her own effort.
I just hope it doesn't turn into her calculating how to get more money out of me - I will lose! :D
Have u ever tried Rakı? It is very good with some appetizers, but you should drink it slowly and need someone to drink together because this drink goes well with conversation.
Your daughter is lucky to have some financial responsibility teaching at age five. You also said that she has an account on HIVE. I think she will have a better economic condition than her friends at teenage.
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Actualmente no bebo ya que trajo muchos problemas a mi vida el descontrol en ella, por ello es esencial el equilibrio disfrutar la bebida, no perder el control, con respecto a enseñar a los niños responsabilidades financieras es muy importante tanto que debieran enseñarlo en el prescolar y luego reforzarlo en la escuela, perdí muchas oportunidades en mi vida por no saber que hacer con mi dinero.
Thaaaazzz Right..=^,,^=
Purrs & Hedbonks to Smallsteps.
Looks like Mimi the sparkly-eyed teddy bear is going places with smallsteps! Good use of grandparent money right there :)
Might need to put some jelly beans in my tequila tonight…