The unforgettable dream becomes a faded memory .

in OCD5 years ago

A short story


I Slept Having an unforgettable dream , woke up finding a way to go back to the dream , layed back to the Position I woke up from , still I got nothing so sad cause I feel what I don't feel in the real world in the dream I felt love , happiness , and beautiful memories , I was finally with the love of my life and I could see everyone gone coming back, memories coming back alive , I was so happy i wished and prayed it never end, I thought I could be happy forever.


It all ended in sadness when my old man woke me up , tears rolling down my cheeks, looked for a way to go back to the dream going back to the position I slept still got nothing.the day went from bad to bad , I couldn't wait to get back to bed hoping I'd continue the dream and have happiness and memories coming alive once again I went to sleep smiling I woke up with a sad face cause I couldn't dream the dream I was praying to dream , all hope lost and dream almost forgotten only fragrance of it left no day goes by that I don't feel something missing and remember a little about it but what else can I do than watch it become a faded memory .


morale of the story

Nothing last forever make the best of it when you still have it around , no one last forever make the best of them give them your all when there are still around . Cause an unforgettable dreams turn into a fade memory .

short story by thetrident