My Quarantine Story; An Initiative by @theycallmedan

in OCD5 years ago


Hey everyone, I hope you are all safe out there. It's been a very crazy first 3 months of the year, it's not what we opted for, we had visions of a better year but then it's been a disappointing one. Many lives are lost due to the pandemic situation that started in Wuhan, China. Very horrific experience so far.

Before the Spread

I'll start form the beginning, that's as far back as December 2019, when the index case of the Covid19 virus was not really given much attention, I thought it was just a normal flu, maybe that was the same case as China when the Doctor who discovered the virus infection wanted to warn the world especially his home country China about it, he was forced to take down his claims and was charged. Unfortunately, he died of the virus infection.

Momentum of the spread did not really gain much ground at that time, only the affected city of Wuhan was closed down and its residents forced to close down shops and markets with little or no activities going down.

images (4).jpegMap of infected regions

January when the virus began to spread so quickly, the world begin to panic, there were so many death cases as a result of this viral infection. Then it was not regarded as a pandemic situation by World Health Organization [WHO], just a couple of weeks after, the virus has spread to many parts of Europe, Africa, Asia and it was almost on the face of every continents. The pandemic brought an end to Sporting activities all over the world, one that has not happened before. Some athletes were affected by the infection and the sports council had to pause the activities for the season.

Olympics games, European football, WWE, Formula 1 games, Rugby among many others were halted due to the situation and many people are depressed, some do not know how to manage situations like this, sports has helped people like me out of depression. The world has since then been thrown into a panic situation, grocery stores almost running out of stocks, huge negative effects on economy of nations.

Nigeria as a country has been hit the most, we solely rely on crude oil as the major wealth creation means, crude oil fell from a high of $65 to $25 per barrel, the worst in so many years. That means you have to sell 2 and a half barrels to get the initial price of one barrel. I just can't imagine the downtrend and the effects it as had on the economy, value of naira, including Nigerians whose business and source of income solely relies on how good the economy is.

I think we've been badly hit by this pandemic situation and it could only spell doom for mankind cos there's no vaccine anywhere for this virus, really freaking out these days.

It took a while for Black people to contact the virus, we initially thought our genes were stronger but we were wrong. To me, it seems the virus was well engineered to penetrate any region and that's very bad. Fast-forward to February, Africa had it first case and it began to spread, though with lesser death rates as compared to other parts of Europe. As of date, The United States have over a 100,000 cases and over a thousand death rate. The panic rate increased in the month of March, there was a crazy incline in the number of cases.

Current Stats below

IMG_20200331_145303.jpgNCDC Nigeria

I spend most of my times at home

This fact doesn't change anything about others that may be exposed to the virus and they may one way or the other be my neighbor next door, there's no way you wanna avoid having to do anything with them.

I do not know of anyone close to me with the virus because major of the affected ones in Africa are Asymptomatic i.e they do not really develop symptoms regarding the virus, so it's very difficult to say someone has it or not. Not everyone has access to testing for the virus, but then I'm trying my best to be fine and practice safety precautions.

I think people now have time to spend with family

This bad situation has its good side anyways, i have been able to reconnect with family and I do keep up with my siblings, everyone must come out of this situation safely. Currently, people use this app Family House Party to reconnect with loved ones, lots of Tik-Tok videos to watch and quality Netflix time. Even though the situation spells doom, there's been a significant recoveries in the past weeks. I read it in the news that claimed China, the epicenter of the virus has had over 97,000 recoveries and most of the hospitals in Wuhan closed down,also trades will soon open. But then, will China tel the world how they were able to have that great stats of recoveries or is there something China is hiding? Well, the world hopes to find out soon.

Quarantine has helped me develop my photography skills, I'll share a few pictures below.


I won't also forget, I currently spend most of my time playing video games, eating cereals, sleeping and social media.


Let's hope the world will recover soon

Though, I'm damn sure of the fact that the world will never be the same after this. I am doing the social distancing thing and so should you. Stay safe out there, Peace!


If you'd like to tell us about your #Quarantinelife, visit this Page.


These are truly some rough times for everyone. Let's hope it all ends soon before the world economy goes down the drain.

Thank you, we all hope and pray for this to end