Waking up that morning and everywhere was still very quiet. It was unusual, so i knew that today there would be no farm work. I had laud in bed till it was past 10am. I did my normal routine of watching some episodes of naruto shipudden. I had planned the day before that i would go visit a friend but i had changed my mind or would i say i felt lazy to go anywhere.
Some positives is that i decided to finally start some online course on html and edx. I'm starting with some free courses on stepik and edx. It'll yake 8 weeks to complete them and there are lots of videos to watch. That would cost me some money for my data usage. Since i have started already I'll have to keep going.
I also came across some way yo be worling from home on a platform called Appen Global. Their pay is pretty cool and i have sent in my application but I'll have to wait for a week before i reapply if i don't get a response. I hope they accept me, it would be a very good reason for me to leave here and go to my school apartment where i left my laptop before i travelled to get something here and then the lovkdown was initiated. I'll gind a way to sneak cross-state amidst the lovkdown.
Later in the evening i went to my cousins place to have some fun with them. I told them about stories of when i went broke in school and how formed an feeding style which i called Brunchner (a combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner). How i would wait the day till 2pm before i ate anything.
I hope today will be a better day than yesterday. I'll go visit thay friend of mine that i wanted to go visit yesterday. He is always gun to be around. Bye guys.