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RE: Soy Desi y esta es mi introducción a hive [ESP-ENG]

in OCD2 years ago

That's okay, @desivel - it's not that the downvote was wrong, I just wanted to make sure you knew it wasn't a bot or something (as some people downvote those kinds of comments). As long as you don't have an issue with the Love Sniper comment, I'm happy. 😊

As for how to see the vote, I've screencapped these comments, to show you what I meant...

Screenshot 2022-09-18 at 14-48-50.png

The red arrow points to the downvote, which generally means someone disagrees with something, which is why I wanted to check with you. Hive is a bit confusing in the beginning, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon!


Ah ok I get it, you scared me 😱😲 I thought I had killed someone 🤯😂😂 So how do I fix it?

LOL! Well, there are some people who react like there's been a murder when they're downvoted, so... 🤷‍♀😉😂

I wouldn't worry about fixing it because it didn't really do anything. I'd just recommend staying away from the downvote button for now, until you're more familiar with how things work.

Oh, and if you connect with the HiveVenezuela community, I'm sure they will be able to walk you through things like this in Spanish, which might make it less confusing. I can't even imagine trying to figure out all this stuff in a second language! 🤯