The Story of the Steem Hostile TakeOver, as told by my GIFS

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I've been having a tough time blogging lately. I have enough pictures and life events for at least a dozen posts, but I'm still processing a fair amount of stuff from recent events in my 3d life, which always seems to cause my words to get stuck. For example, after thinking about writing an intro post for my Hive Blog Share account for about 2 months, it took the better part of three days to finish writing it. And yesterday I spent a fair amount of time on a post with pictures from this months's full moon, but I still have yet to finish it.

Today, in an attempt to shake things up creatively, I'm going to try something a little bit different from my usual. While I have been known to use a GIF or two thousand in my posts, this one is going to be pretty much just GIFS. Mainly because I was searching through my GIF collection yesterday, and scrolled through a bunch I made related to the Steem Hostile Takeover,and I realized they made a pretty decent visual representation of how things went down. While I know it's all kind of water under the bridge at this point, I recently watched an interview with Dan Hensley and David Gokhshtein about the ordeal, so it's been on my mind again.

I was originally going to try to go through and find the corresponding tweets I created these GIFS for, but after only about two seconds of trying to search, my brain almost melted. If you want to check out a timeline of the events, here's an excellent article by @shadowspub who watched it all unfold along with the rest of of us. But for the most part, I'm only including the dates each one was uploaded to GIPHY - if you're familiar with the story, I think most of these will make sense without explanation. If you're not... I think trying to explain it will make your brain melt (if I haven't melted them already 😂 )...

Last bit before I get started (see, I'm already getting - as far as I'm concerned, if Justin Sun did the right thing and returned the money he stole from the 60+ accounts, I could see it leading to a detente of sorts. Not that anyone from the Hive community (IMHO, of course) would ever want to do anything remotely associated with Steem or Tron, but I could see things quieting down, and a sort of peaceful co-existence developing in the CryptoSphere. But if Justin doesn't make amends for what happened (whether or not he did those things directly, or they were done under his authority), I think the buzzing wings from the Hive community will eventually cause a tsunami of trouble for a long time to come. And that's coming from me - a little bee with not much "skin in the game" (aka, investment), especially compared to the accounts that were robbed. I can only imagine how I'd feel if I was the one of the people out hundreds of thousands of dollars because of his actions during the hostile takeover.

And with that, here is...

The Story of the Steem Hostile TakeOver, as told by my GIFS

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(EDITED TO ADD - @alwayshayleym is a wicked nice person from Tron & we were working on a post to introduce the two communities to each other, tentatively titled, "Crypto Coffee Chat with Hayley & Traci")

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I'll leave you with this final GIF that I created on June 14th

I hope you enjoyued the Story of the Steem Hostile TakeOver, in interpretative GIF form...LOL! As always, please feel free to shout out if you have any questions or comments. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal (HA!) blogging self in the very near future.


Hostile TakeOver

Thanks for stopping by!

Hostile TakeOver

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


That was awesome!
The meming is strong with you.
I see you have a thing for Spartans. ;P

LOL! Thanks, @doctorcrypto and yes - doesn't everyone love a good Spartan? 🤣 🤣 🤣

Damn, so much happened in the last 3 months with it. How quickly one week of early enthusiasm can evaporate...

Thanks for sharing all the gifs again, some I missed and had me in stitches!

Yeah, kinda wild how quickly enthusiasm faded after Steemy started asking, "Do you like me or do you want to fuck me?" 🤣

I've yet to have any kind of success with that chat up line yet but I'm determined!

OH OH, you mean the.... yeah... gotcha


LOL! Wicked awesomesauce GIF, @stellabelle and thanks so much for your amazing support for this post, both here and on Twitter.

stellabelle you are amazeballs.gif

hahahahaha, you deserve it!

re-blogged!!! This was truly awesome!

Great work! This was very entertaining! Glad we can laugh about it now, right? 😆

JustinSun it all... 😜 🤣Thanks, @jhodson! And yeah, I think enough time's gone by that we can laugh at the absurdity of

Very fun to read :l

Coolness, @tngflx - thanks! 😊

Simply Wonderful

The *Queen of GIF's (take a bow or curtsy)! Epic support from every corner of Hive.

Keep going, keep pollinating having a stronger future together, Oh the blogging thingy is mental fatigue after everything oddly destructive in this year called 2020... Want a rebate, or free year pass.

You're pretty handy with the GIFS too, @joanstewart! 😂

And thanks for the encouragement - the idea of mental fatigue definitely resonates with me. Much appreciate it!

joanstewart thank you.gif

Some days you sit with all good intent and purpose,when next you look the day is gone and you done nothing.

Oh you reminded me about using GIF's a couple of years ago, I had completely forgotten what fun they are 😄

World War Tron as it unfolded!
I so wanted to move all my Steem to Hive but this draconian lockdown in our country forced us to close our bnb for 3 months so with no cash coming in my weekly powerdown really helped fill some gaps; had to even cash in some hive to my dismay, but at least we're back in business and I can just start all over with Hive!Well @traciyork, a picture tells a thousand words so I really don't think you have writer's block at the moment, this is excellent work, REALLY tells the Sad Steem Story of

Thanks so much for your encouragement, @lizelle! I think you're right, and this has been a great way to realize I probably need to stop being so tough on myself about what I put in my blog posts. 😊

I'm so sorry you had to cash out so much crypto, but I'm glad you had it to use. That's awesome that you're back in business, and I hope things continue to improve after such a horrendous lockdown!

Thanks again, and happy Hiving! 💜

So many things happened this year, you always motivate others and your gifs are so entertaining...

Aww, thanks so much, @priyanarc! I appreciate your kind words, and all the awesome tweets you're always sending out. You're doing a great job representing the Hive community on Twitter! 😊

You remember we use to share a lot of gifs with each other and on other people's tweets... It was fun...

Oh, I definitely remember! I'm getting back in the swing of doing it again, especially on the @HiveBlogShare Twitter account - it's always such a good time! Speaking of, I just updated this one... 💜

I just loved this! What a great - and funny way - to capture that time. I nearly said

wot, no ostriches?

And then remembered that's me.... lol

I did leave out a fair number I created around that time, because they were a bit more obscure. However, since you mentioned it Fiona... 🤣

Uploaded: 03/2/2020

on steemit like - ostrich.gif


Luv Luv Luv it. A lot did this too until after it was too late. Then asked what happened?

LOL, @justclickindiva! I think there were a fair number of people who were like...

Yep, sure was. A range of emotions that can't begin to tell the whole story still to this day unfolding. And some are still there scratching their heads this really happening?

great storytelling :D

Thank you, @bil.prag - much appreciated! 😊

I laughed so hard! This post was absolutely hilarious!


HAHAHAH... That was crazy hillarious!!

OMG, I laughed my ass off, @traciyork 😂

Coming out on the other end, it's way hell funny when you look back at it. Great presentation. Takes the bad taste out of your mouth a bit. Grear job capturing the entire dog and pony show. Thanks for your efforts.

I always loved and appreciated your gifs!
Cool way of telling the story of the @Steemhostiletakeover !
thanks for sharing!