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RE: Watch Me - The draw of social proof

in OCD5 years ago

Perhaps this is a good thing as it puts the numbers on the surface, instead of hidden away.

Interesting take on it. But what's the merit of knowing? Of course i'm not talking about preventive screenings for cancer or anything like that. People should have themselves screened preventively, even if they don't feel sick or unhealthy. But a young man like me, 26 years old and in good shape, why would I care about my heartrate or daily steps?

Regardless of whether we track them or not, they tick along, or don't.

And that's perhaps the thing about our society today. We put way too much emphasis on the ticking, when we perhaps are better off without that clock in the first place. Of course you can call it ignorant, and I would agree, but I really feel sometimes ignorance is bliss. Especially when we're talking about trivial things like daily life.

Interesting topic to discuss. Good article Taraz!


But what's the merit of knowing?

Most people don't know about economics and finance either, how is that working out? The problem is, knowledge is power as it affects behavior, and when only a small fraction have the knowledge, they can affect the behavior of the masses.

but I really feel sometimes ignorance is bliss. Especially when we're talking about trivial things like daily life.

Not necessarily. Not knowing doesn't mean one isn't influenced by something and when one knows that they are affected but don't know what is affecting them - that is a suffering. Again with the economy, people suffer not having enough and blame all kinds of things, yet - they don't actually know, if they did - they would change their behavior.

I see "knowing" as more than knowledge in the head, it is practical.