in OCD5 years ago

Addiction is a serious topic of discussion, a virus of its own, eating our very own life style. It cripples the trust we have in our selves and brings the demons in most people.

Sorry for bringing up this topic, it was prompted by a certain argument this evening. Some mates of mine were arguing of money not being an addiction, I decided to explain from my point of view.

Addiction is part of our way of life, its part of the index of our essence as humans. We humans are all addicted to one thing or the other, some times we tend to deny it, we try to hide the sad truth from our own nature as humans. Truth be told, we are all addicted to one thing or the other.

Money is one of the biggest addiction in life, as we evolve as humans individually from birth, we are automatically wired to be addicted to MONEY, business, jobs, ideas, any thing to bring forth money. Let me be clear on this, I believe 98% or 99% of humans are addicted to money, while the other 1% or 2% are some communities around the world, that are not addicted to money.


Yes, please don't be confused, there are people around the world living without money AT ALL. I will get back to this other few percentage of people.

Life truly isn't a race, but we know within our selves, we are racing towards achieving our GOALS, IDEAS, DREAMS and more...

We want to live in comfort, maintain a certain life style, create businesses, build houses, buy cars, have a family, and have much more money stored in the Banks.

The exchange of money in our lives daily, is a 100% fact of our dependency and addiction towards money. We want money, we put all our resources towards getting it and achieving our aims in life.

Most people get too rooted in the addiction for money, putting away proper reasoning and going against the law, towards the solid mission of making the MONEY. Money is a deep rooted virus, either we like it or not, we NEED it.

There are some few tribes and communities in the Amazon and other places in the world, living on nature and not money. Most carry out trades between communities nearby for life sustenance, hunting, fishing and farming also makes up for edibles.

There are some individuals around the world living without money, a choice of life made by them. Some living by handouts, supports, rendered services for rendered supports and not buying anything for their own personal use.

Still, I believe a high percentage of we humans are neck deep dependant on money, making us addicted towards getting it. We can't hide away from this reality in our lives.

Its a known fact of our wired nature from birth and we can't argue about it.

Thanks for stopping by on my blog.

Stay Safe - Stay Strong - Stay Blessed.

Greetings from @tyfamz