I applaud your optimism but truthfully I have become quite frustrated with hive of late. I have been here forever and personally I do ok but hive is not what it used to be and it upsets me. to many shitposts are making a ton of money and people have become lazy and unwilling to do better. I don't know how many contests of late have failed some with great prizes even worth a lot of money and no engagement. As i am stubborn I just keep doing what i do because I still want to believe in all the unused potential of hive but I am losing faith in people because it seems to me that greed and sadly (excluding some exemplarily communities such as hive Pizza, splinterlands and nftshowroom ) the wide base of users seem no longer really into the engagement and community aspect . I hope top be proven wrong but of late I have become listless ...
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Yes, it looks like i joined just a little bit before you did. So, we have both seen some shit. I think that the way that Hive is compartmentalized makes it difficult to get exposure at times. Networking and engaging is one of the best ways to get that exposure. I love your art and have even bought some at the NFT Showroom... but this is the first time we have spoken together. That kind of proves my point there a little bit. I definitely have had my fair share of frustration at times and it's like grief and comes in waves.
But, for the most part, i do have a more optimistic point of view as to what the potential is and can be here as it grows and develops. Do i think we are meeting that potential at the moment? Absolutely not. But, in order to encourage newer (and older) users not to shit post... i made this post and the first one.
I think that the time, effort, and energy that people bring to the table is oftentimes rewarded eventually if the best practices are applied. When it comes to upvotes and rewards... there are many large accounts that are no longer active that have their stakes delegated and some of those stewards are upvoting shitposts for self-gain. I think everyone that understood that and knew about it would definitely be opposed to those kinds of actions.
I definitely feel your frustration and share it to some degree in your sentiments. If you just look at my post to comment ratio... you will see what i mean. I think doing our thing is important but i also think being the pillars of the community we want to see is equally, if not more, important.

I do appreciate you stopping by and commenting. It would be nice to see you around more often as a fellow artist. Alien Art Hive is the art community that best represents NFT Showroom and i have been curating it for Julia for a year or so now. I would love to see your awesome art in there to curate from time to time. Keep up the great art and don't lose hope or heart. Scammers gonna scam and shitposters are gonna post. But we can stand together and continue to build together the things we want to see and engage with ourselves!