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RE: OCD Onboarder Application

in OCD4 years ago

3% are too low to become attention from big affiliates and onboarders :) But it is a good start anyway.

To design a system that works longterm, it need IMO a hybrid from PR work rewards+ onboarding rewards. Or even better a simple way to release your own product/token/community, it's worth promoting without high upfront costs.

Like a tribe, but more open/connective to hive.

For PR work ( that works for onboarding really good too),

we need a way to rewards massive. Think about posts on the most famous News Websites on the Internet. This gives a lot of attention, but they also cost a lot of cash upfront.

If we find a way, to easy and neutral reward this work, it would change hive marketing forever. The chance must be there if you onboard 50k -100k people/month to make competitive money out of it. It would be at these hive prices mean, become a whale :P

Competition would flat the rewards. Even the Hive brand name would be spread wider + search engine rankings would increase on a ton of topics :)

If is planned to build something like this, I could help with it.