¡Hola amigos de HIVE! / Hello HIVE friends!
¡Hola amigos de HIVE! / Hello HIVE friends!
Today I want to share a little about a very important issue that is not taken into account as it should be, such as mental health.
1)Te cuesta conectar con el presente, piensas mucho en el futuro o en el pasado.
2) Te sientes desmotivado, has perdido el interes en las cosas, dejas las cosas para despues
3) Lloras con freciencia, te sientes triste a menudo.
4) Tienes dificultad para dormir, duermes mucho o poco
5)Estas comiendo mas o menos de lo habitual.
6) Te sientes estancado, sientes que tus emociones son una barrera para llevar acabo tus objetivos
7) Tienes situaciones del pasado por resolver o no cuentas con los recursos emocionales para manejar alguna situación y eso te genera malestar.
- It is difficult for you to connect with the present, you think a lot about the future or the past.
*** 2) You feel unmotivated, you have lost interest in things, you leave things for later
*** 3) You cry frequently, you feel sad often.
*** 4) You have difficulty sleeping, you sleep a lot or little
*** 5) You are eating more or less than usual.
*** 6) You feel stagnant, you feel that your emotions are a barrier to carry out your goals
*** 7) You have past situations to resolve or you do not have the emotional resources to handle a situation and that causes you discomfort.
I want to emphasize that going to a psychologist does not make you less of a person or does not make you a disabled person. There is the belief that those who go to the psychologist are crazy, when this is a totally wrong concept, all people should go to a psychological session even once a year, since this professional gives you different ways of seeing the situations that overwhelm us.
¿Que podemos hacer para mejorar nuestra salud mental? / What can we do to improve our mental health?
●Mantener una actitud positiva
●Practicar la gratitud (sea agradecido)
●Cuidar su salud física
●Dormir lo suficiente
●Estar físicamente activo
●Desarrollar un significado y propósito en la vida
● Maintain a positive attitude
● Practice gratitude (be grateful)
● Take care of your physical health
● Get enough sleep
● Be physically active
● Develop meaning and purpose in life
● Therapy
● Meditation
¡Espero les guste y les sirva la informacion! / I hope you like it and the information will serve you!