Como andan amigos de hive? Hoy les quiero contar mi día de ayer donde le celebramos el cumpleaños a mi tío y le hicimos una fiesta sorpresa!
Mi tío hace un par de meses estuvo bastante grave ya que le dio covid, estuvo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), siempre estuvimos positivos a que iba a salir de allí ya que es un hombre muy fuerte y sano, fueron días muy difíciles tanto para el como para todos nosotros, es por esto que tomamos la iniciativa de hacerle un cumpleaños sorpresa, que se sintiera especial en su día y disfrutar de los momentos en familia ya que son los momentos más importantes.
How are hive friends? Today I want to tell you about my day yesterday where we celebrated my uncle's birthday and threw him a surprise party!
My uncle a couple of months ago was quite serious since he got covid, he was in the intensive care unit (ICU), we were always positive that he was going to get out of there since he is a very strong and healthy man, they were very days difficult for both him and all of us, that is why we took the initiative to make him a surprise birthday, make him feel special on his day and enjoy family moments since they are the most important moments.
El día comenzó y fuimos a buscar su torta, comprar sus regalos y las cosas que íbamos a utilizar para la decoración, luego esto llegamos a la casa y nos aseguramos de que el estuviese en su cuarto y que no saliera en ningún momento ya que íbamos a decorar en la parte del comedor de la casa!! Estábamos nerviosas porque sentíamos que iba a salir en cualquier momento e iba a ver todo antes de tiempo, haciamos todo sigilosamente. Inflamos los globos con un inflador para terminar mucho mas rápido, en la siguiente foto les mostrare como era
The day began and we went to look for his cake, buy his gifts and the things that we were going to use for decoration, then this we arrived at the house and we made sure that he was in his room and that he did not leave at any time since we were going to decorate in the dining room part of the house !! We were nervous because we felt like I was going to leave at any moment and I was going to see everything ahead of time, we did everything quietly. We inflate the balloons with an inflator to finish much faster, in the next photo I will show you how it was
Así lucia al principio la sorpresa, luego decoramos con unos banderines en la pared que decían Feliz cumpleaños, los globos los pegamos en la mesa y en el techo y al final quedo como les mostrare a continuación
This is how the surprise looked at first, then we decorated with some banners on the wall that said Happy Birthday, we glued the balloons on the table and on the ceiling and in the end it was as I will show you below
Definitivamente mi opinión es que la familia lo es todo, es por esto que debemos valorar y disfrutar cada momento con ellos porque no sabremos cuando sera la ultima convivencia, ademas que pasar tiempo en familia es muy reconfortante.
Definitely my opinion is that family is everything, that is why we must value and enjoy every moment with them because we will not know when the last coexistence will be, besides that spending time with the family is very comforting.
Por ultimo les mostrare cuando ya estábamos todos y mi tío vio la sorpresa, la verdad quedo bastante sorprendido porque no se lo esperaba, ademas le encanto porque en sus regalos se encontraba algo que había querido desde hace tiempo que eran unos Airpods, la sorpresa nos salio bastante bien y disfrutamos mucho!!
Finally I will show you when we were all there and my uncle saw the surprise, the truth was he was quite surprised because he was not expecting it, he also loved it because in his gifts there was something that he had wanted for a long time that were Airpods, the surprise us It went quite well and we really enjoyed it !!
Hive Cross Culture/Birthday curation project.
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