Mangrove Planting Movement on Seumadu Island Beach

in OCD4 years ago

The campus, military, and civil society in Aceh planted mangroves to protect the environment.

Malikussaleh University, Indonesia, together with UKM Turtle Diving Club held mangrove tree planting around the coast of Seumadu Island Beach, Gampong Batuphat Timur, Lhokseumawe, March 30, 2021.

In this activity, as many as 300 Avicennia mangrove trees were planted around the coast of Semadu Island which was witnessed by all elements of the Lhokseumawe City Leadership Communication Forum and the local community.

The tree planting was organized by the Student Activity Unit (UKM), Turtle Diving Club, Mailkussaleh University (Unimal).

Malikussaleh University Chancellor, Dr. Herman Fithra, ASEAN Eng, said the mangrove planting activity aims to reduce the potential for abrasion in coastal areas.

"Apart from that, it is also to preserve the environment around the coast and have a positive impact on the community," said Herman before the planting process began.

According to Herman, the tree planting program directly at the abrasion location is expected to foster a sense of love for the environment as well as build good care and cooperation in supporting the preservation of the environment in coastal areas exposed to abrasion.

Commander Lanal (naval TNI base) Lhokseumawe, Colonel Laut (P) Dimmi Oumry SE, appreciated the activities for environmental preservation. According to Dimmi, planting mangroves is very useful in preventing global warming and serves to restore damaged land and coastal areas to make them green and reforested.

"This activity does not end here, but must continue to be developed so that it can provide an example to the community of the importance of mangrove trees on the coast. We will also monitor the progress of its growth, "said Dimmi Oumry.

Meanwhile, the coach of the Turtle Diving Club Student Activity Unit, M Fauzan MT, hopes that the community will also be involved in caring for the growth of mangroves that have been planted until they grow up. According to him, the role of the community, especially around coastal areas, is very important to rebuild the lost mangrove forest.

“The local community can take care of the mangrove seeds that have just been planted every day. When nature is sustainable, the local community will feel the first benefits. Likewise, if nature is damaged, the community will also be the first to suffer the consequences, "said Fauzan. []



Gerakan Tanam Mangrove di Pantai Pulau Seumadu

Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia, bersama UKM Turtle Diving Club menggelar penanaman pohon mangrove di seputaran pesisir Pantai Pulau Seumadu, Gampong Batuphat Timur, Lhokseumawe, 30 Maret 2021 lalu.

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, sebanyak 300 batang pohon mangrove jenis avecennia ditanam di sekitar pantai Pulau Semadu yang disaksikan oleh seluruh unsur Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Daerah Kota Lhokseumawe serta masyarakat setempat.

Penanaman pohon ini diselenggarakan oleh Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Turtle Diving Club Universitas Mailkussaleh (Unimal).

Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr Herman Fithra, ASEAN Eng, mengatakan kegiatan penanaman mangrove bertujuan untuk mengurangi potensi abrasi pada daerah pesisir pantai.

“Selain itu juga untuk melestarikan lingkungan di sekitar pesisir serta memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat,” ujar Herman sebelum prosesi penanaman dimulai.

Menurut Herman, program penanaman pohon secara langsung di lokasi abrasi diharapkan dapat memupuk rasa cinta terhadap lingkungan serta terbangun kepedulian dan kemampuan kerja sama yang baik dalam mendukung kelestarian lingkungan wilayah pesisir yang terpapar abrasi.

Komandan Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut (Lanal) Lhokseumawe, Kolonel Laut (P) Dimmi Oumry SE, mengapresiasi kegiatan untuk kelestarian lingkungan tersebut. Menurut Dimmi, penanaman mangrove sangat bermanfaat guna mencegah pemanasan global serta berfungsi untuk memperbaiki lahan dan wilayah kawasan pesisir yang rusak agar hijau dan menghutan kembali.

“Kegiatan ini tidak hanya sampai di sini, tetapi harus terus dikembangkan agar dapat memberikan contoh kepada masyarakat pentingnya pohon mangrove di pesisir pantai. Kami juga akan memantau perkembangan pertumbuhannya,” tutur Dimmi Oumry.

Sementara Pembina Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Turtle Diving Club, M Fauzan MT, mengharapkan masyarakat juga ikut terlibat dalam merawat pertumbuhan mangrove yang sudah ditanam sampai besar nanti. Menurutnya, peran masyarakat, terutama di sekitar kawasan pesisir pantai, sangat penting untuk membangun kembali hutan mangrove yang hilang.

“Masyarakat sekitar bisa setiap hari menjaga bibit mangrove yang baru selesai ditanam. Ketika alam lestari, masyarakat sekitar yang pertama kali merasakan manfaatnya. Demikian juga kalau alam rusak, masyarakat juga yang pertama kali menanggung akibatnya,” tutur Fauzan.[bas]

