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RE: New Year New Year

in OCD5 years ago

Hi Donna! Haha, yes, I'm still somewhat around, probably at this level of activity, just popping in every now and then :)

I hope you are getting good feedback for your weekly postings <3 Creating contents at a steady pace can be quite taxing, so I hope you will also take care of your own energy and health <3

As for me, I miss some Steemit, but thankfully there are other things that are really engaging and fun in my spheres of interest right now :D

In my area, it isn't VERY bad. I'm in Melbourne, so the most adverse things have been coping with hazardous air quality / pollution (so far). There's been millions and millions tonnes of CO2 released into the air since the burning has not stopped since October 2019, so the air quality here has been abysmal > __ < So yeah, there's LOADS of smoke and we mainly keep indoors these days, but it's still relatively safe.... compared to the others who are really in the fire's burning areas > ___ <

It's nice to see you popping into Discord too <3 Hope can chat and catch up soon !