Master Class: Hive From Your Phone 📆 Today ⏰ 6pm (Vzla) [ESP/ENG] || Adopt a Plankton

in OCD4 years ago
Countdown terminated on May 14, 2021, 10:00 PM

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Ven a aprender Hive desde 0

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Hi guys! like i said on the announcement post Adopt a Plankton is back! A 2.0 kind of thing lol, this time around we want to take the good parts of this initiative and merge it with the awesome work some hivers have been doing the past few days, to help not only onboard new users but to actually retain them and help them thrive on our blockchain, we will be doing this step by step with them with 7 different practical master classes that will take them from What is Hive on the first to making their first post and getting it curated on the last one.

We know a lot of HIVE users sometimes don't have access to a computer and so that is why this class comes to help, here you will learn how to access, navigate, do transactions and post from your phone in a safe and easy way.

Hola chicos! como dije en el post de anuncio adopt a plankton esta de regreso! tipo 2.0, esta vez queremos tomar las partes buenas de esta iniciativa y fusionarlas con el trabajo que han venido haciendo algunos hivers maravillosos, para ayudar a no solo unirse pero mantenerse y ser exitosos nuevos usuarios de nuestra blockchain a las personas interesadas, estaremos haciendo esto paso a paso con 7 diferentes Clases magistrales que les explicara desde que es Hive en la primera hasta la curación de su primer post en la ultima.

Sabemos que muchos usuarios de HIVE a veces no tienen acceso a una computadora y es por eso que esta clase viene a ayudar, aquí aprenderá cómo acceder, navegar, realizar transacciones y publicar desde su teléfono de una manera segura y fácil.

Today's class || La clase de hoy

Theme || Tema:

Using Hive form your phone

Usar Hive desde el telefono



When || Cuando?

📆 Today 14 May 2021
⏰ 6pm (Vzla) - 5pm (Mex)

How to be part of this? || Cómo participar?

We don’t have rules to be part of the initiative this time around just that you join the classes, be respectful of one and other and of the coach giving the lesson.

If you are an experience Hiver already you can bring a new user or even better someone who doesn't even has an account yet so they can start from scratch and make their account with us.

No tenemos reglas para ser parte de la iniciativa esta vez, solo que te unas a las clases, sean respetuosos con los demas y con el coach dando la clase.

Si ya eres un hiver con experiencia, puedes traer un nuevo usuario o incluso mejor a alguien que aún no tiene una cuenta para que pueda empezar de cero y abrir su cuenta con nosotros.

Where || Donde?

The Hive Classroom


Is where the classes will take place, we have created this discord server for the sole purpose of hosting Master Classes, talks and just teaching sessions about Hive in general.

Join the discord server link right below to attend the different classes and activities.

Es donde se llevarán a cabo las clases, hemos creado este servidor de discord con el único propósito de albergar las Master Classes, charlas y sesiones de enseñanza sobre Hive en general.

Únete con el link de discord abajo para participar en las distintas clases.

The Classes schedule || El cronograma

All week we will have new classes so make sure to keep up with the schedule and not miss one.

toda la semana tendremos distintas clases, abajo esta el cronograma para que no se pierdan ninguna.

Vie-146pmHive desde el Telefono@elizabeths14
Sab-154pmComunidades y Cómo promocionar tu post correctamente@laloretoyya
Dom-166pmCuraciones de los nuevos usuarios@victoriabsb

As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credits: All images are of my property unless said otherwise, the emojis are made with & Icons with icons8

Proud Member and Supporter of The Minnow Support Project, If You Are Not Yet on The Community What Are You Waiting For?? CLICK below!!!

Are you a Mom or a Dad? Of a human or a Cat or a Dog or of anything? Join us in our Community!


For Mom life, life style, Cooking & More, please go to @victoria.bsb

😗 Follow me on my Other Social Media...❗️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Countdown terminated on May 14, 2021, 10:00 PM

Excelente iniciativa, felicitaciones!

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