in OCD5 years ago

Hello hivers.

I have strived so hard so loose some weight. I kept making promises to myself to exercise more, cut off junk food, eat healthy and so on. And minutes later, I promise myself I will stop after the one I'm about to eat.

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Who else is on this boat with me. My love for food knows no bounds. Growing up, my siblings used food to extort information from me. It was a well known fact that once food was used as a bait, this daughter of Zion will tell you all you need to know.

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I had always been lucky to remain in shape despite my eating habits until I went through depression. My love for food became unhealthy. I found myself eating even when there was no room in my stomach for more. I kept shoving the food down my throat. And the result? I became bloated. Blew out of proportion.

Fortunately, a doctor came to my rescue. Helped me through my depression. I replaced food with different hobbies and eventually I was able to win the battle. Was it easy? Not at all. Did I fall back in shape? Not there yet. Do I still love food? Yes but in a healthy way.

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My point? We need to cut down on the way we body shame people. It's not my fault I'm big, it's definitely not Theresa's fault she can't gain some weight despite all she eats. Sometimes the people involved are not happy about their state and wish they can change it.

We don't know the battle each person is faced with everyday. Depression is real, don't be that person who drives someone into depression. That comment you think is little, or you see as funny could be a nail on someone's coffin. That person you are about to make jest of could be battling with so many things and needs just a little shove to go over the edge.

Everyone cannot be a model, and it's never a taboo to be plus sized. At a point I let people's comments get to me and I drank all sorts and ate all sorts just to get back in shape. And then I hear them make jest of people who are skinny and I'm like what the heck?

So I stopped listening to people, gave myself self love. Embraced my size and decided I won't let anyone make me feel bad about it anymore. Plus size is no sickness. If you are plus sized learn to love yourself. Self love is all you need to get through it. And for those with perfect shapes, we are happy for you but know that being plus sized does not make us less human. The world needs all shapes and sizes to be balanced. Please cut down on body shaming guys. Don't be that guy who drives someone over the edge.

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Keep up the good work and glad to see your great spirit.

Thanks a lot. This is greatly appreciated @ultratrain

You like better thing eeeh.see delicious meal for only you.

@onyigreat Lol. Don't mind me and food jareh. Hahahahha. Feel free to join me anytime.