An unplanned several months break from Peakd...,and an important yet positive changes in life!

in OCD4 years ago

Headline of this post could give many of you an impression that something went really wrong but, it didn't, in fact, everything has become a highest-level tier!

Back in early November of last year, I've decided to take a break from many forms of what made up my daily routine. I needed that much important change as quality of not just my own but, also my family's life started to slip down that awful hill some of us have been on before.

To be honest, last year has taken its toll on everyone, or at least on most of us in any shape or form, and you might be the one that can relate to it. I've seen people's lives being destroyed within months due to a pandemic, and it was hard seeing how they've struggled with not only mental health but also financially being in turmoil.

To avoid having that type of a very heavy burden appearing in my life, I started changing one small thing at the time; maybe best to say I've made one small adjustment on a weekly basis. I'd like to mention that having a reliable job in pandemic (working in healthcare sector) was very beneficial, as unlike a lot of my friends who were either on furlough or lost their job; my wife and I managed to keep ourselves afloat financially. Without work and its steady income, I can't even start to explain what would have happened to a mental wellbeing of my family and of course, my own.

Instead of living in fear of something I was able to keep control over for about 98%, I decided to take my mind, aim it elsewhere, and spending a majority of my spare time with my wife and our daughter. I was always a family man, thinking about my closest has been my second nature. Problem that has arisen was not having time for them, but, everything around us has decided that it has to become difficult, and thus leaving my mind in a constant limbo, poisoning it so I couldn't concentrate anymore about what really mattered!

I ended up not knowing why and/or what clouded my judgements, my thoughts, my common sense! All I could think of were possible problems that luckily wasn't materialised or made a reality! Everyone around us became obsessed with what ifs...

Social media and well-known corporate news agencies have not helped even a tiny bit! Lies, scaremongering and morale beating out of everyone has become the new norm! People started with a divide, a divide that shouldn't exist! All of it has become a one big toxicity!

I presume you can see in which direction am I aiming with this?!
That's right, you've guessed it, I took a break from social media! When I say break, I didn’t delete my accounts to never use them. I stopped interacting with S.M. to the point of only wishing happy birthday to my friends and family, as well as posting only captured photos related to my family's landmarks for the months ahead. To be more specific, 7 posts on social media account in the past 10 months is what I think pretty low for today's standards. But you know what, it has felt great knowing my mind is fresh and not overcrowded from too much nonsense! I don't need to bother myself by seeing useless posts about Karen complaining that Jeff is walking down the road with his dog not being on a leash. Or that someone is enjoying nice weather in their garden with a loud music...I mean, who cares! That level of boring and toxic writing has become a new must for many. Posts on FB and Instagram have become anything but pleasant and heart-warming as they've been in the early 2010's. Not to even start with other social media platforms, just appalling in general.

So, for me to cut down on social media has done wonders to my life in general!
And removing daily news, whether that be online, tv or newspaper, has proven to be an even better decision! The less of nonsense you know and participate in, the better you'll feel! I have thus been informed by my other half of family as well as friends what the most important issues are that could potentially concern my present. Everything else is just media making a mince out of rubbish and trying to feed us with, until we don't pay attention to it anymore.

I did change few bits and bobs in life that are tiny and personal in nature which I don't exactly feel talking to you about, so there's also that...(smiling).

I guess you might be wondering why I suddenly disappeared of Peakd, since this isn't your typical social media platform, nor is it anything that you could call news?!

Well, let me elaborate; when I stop something to concentrate on family, in that case I stop everything! I loved typing away on sunny and rainy days, making posts about my past and potential future, but as everything else, it would take a good-sized chunk of my daily time which I could dedicate towards my family.

My very much everything has improved, I took upon me a new direction in which I'm currently heading feeling happy and content, used to it and brain fog-free!

I've been managing to spread my free time productively across many settings of life, and today I've decided it'd be nice to maybe spare an hour or two writing something about my past few months and share it with you on here.

This return to the scene on Peaked has been in the making for a while now, but until today I wasn't sure it'll actually happen, possibly even this year. That said, now that it did, I'm hoping to continue with writing a new story a couple of time a month, to maybe clear my head, or to cheer you all up with something that'll get your interest PEAKD.

I will conclude this post with a photo of my cat, not only because I'm not sure what kind of photo could I possibly post with this article being more positive than a cute cat but, also because who doesn't like cats?! 😊

My cat one.jpg

One of many ways my cat enjoys sleeping...flying pose, and I hope it bring a smile to your face. 😸

Thanks for stopping by and take care.


Good to see you pop in from time to time and that everything is fine :)
I was never drawn myself to the nonsense posted on FB or Insta. Like you said.. who cares about another Starbucks coffee?

Photo of a cat is always a good choice!

Hello, and thanks 😊
It's good to hear from you too, it has been a while.
How have you been? I can see that you've remained a valued contributor on here, and do I have a lot to catch up on reading your posts.

I was unsure what photo to post until my cat started bugging me for food...and then I knew 😄

It is gonna be hard to get rid of me :p

See? She knew before you knew. Cats power! :))

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