My Introduce
My Verifikation
Alright, let me introduce myself right away, my name is Wahyuni using the hive account @wahyunibukhari, I am a woman born from Indonesia, precisely in Lhoksukon on September 15, 1994, I am currently 27 years old. currently I am a married woman, and my beloved husband is Muhammad Taqdirul Alim with a Hive account user @taqdirul94, my beloved husband works at one of the campuses in Lhokseumawe, namely the Malikussaleh university campus, he spends his time teaching students and students . While I myself work in an office in Lhoksukon, my status in that office is only as an administrative staff helping other friends.
My husband
My husband and I have been married for more than 2 years, thanks to this marriage I am currently 2 months pregnant, hopefully our baby can be born perfectly in this world, pray for us he is a hive friend, hopefully our child will be safe and healthy.
I have an older sister named Yusrawati, she is a housewife with 3 children, she is also a first, besides that I also have 2 biological brothers, and both are married, my first brother is blessed with 1 kind wife with 2 handsome children, while my 2nd biological brother was blessed with 1 wife and 1 beautiful daughter. And my brothers and sisters live happily. While both my parents died long ago, from childhood until we got married we were always taught to live independently. However, it doesn't make me lose my mother and father, because I was blessed with a very kind father and mother-in-law, and I hope that Allah will prolong the life of all my dear ones, and I also hope that I can make my brother and mother and father happy. my mother-in-law
Good night hive friends all over the world, may we all be healthy always. this is my first post on hive introduced by my husband @taqdirul94. On this occasion, allow me to introduce myself to the OCD community.