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RE: The new normal

in OCD5 years ago

I didn't know what you mean with the elderly has a higher risk since it's not true. People seem to think that because more elderly people die and I think there's a good reason for that (way less care, attention, 70+ is no longer welcome in our hospital).
Over 50% with us is younger than 40 years and the amount of teenagers is high.

I hope you stay safe and your wife will recover soon.
It's a bit chaotic here too. Two kids home, lessons by television and? It will save me money for sure but to be honest I love the hours home alone.


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Most people will get it, just like any flu.

I never had the flu in my entire life which is strange since I have auto-immune diseases, I am elderly too. Same with my children. Might be the eldest now (36), travels more, meets more people and children. Perhaps viruses don't like me either.
If you catch the flu yearly you should have a higher immune against the next one. Strange enough that doesn't seem to happen. This should also mean the older you get the less frequently you get ill... Not true either or perhaps it is but the risks are higher if you finally get it?
Stay safe and healthy. Thanks for answering. 💕

I didn't know what you mean with the elderly has a higher risk since it's not true.

Are you sure about that?

Yes, at least in our country. The higher risk is only there if it comes to dying which doesn't surprise me since most Dutch people do not care bout their elderly at all.

Over 70s have all essentially been quarantined by government suggestion in their own homes, as of last night.