My son, by escorting you to school, I hope you will reach the future

in OCD5 years ago


My dear child ...
It feels like only yesterday that you hugged your tiny body tightly. It feels like only a few hours ago you limped to learn to stand up and walk. It feels like only a few moments ago that you let out your slurred words when you learned to compose sentences to convey something that sounded funny and adorable. Yes ... It hasn't been long for me ...

Now you are ready to step into the new world, the world of school to achieve your future. If you had only followed the behavior of your mother and father, now you will see the behavior of your classmates, and the second mother of your teacher. If I forbid you to do dangerous things before, and I showed you how to do things right, now your teacher will replace your mother in one third of your time at school.



But, do you remember when you first entered Kindergarten? although at first you did not want to let go of your grasp, but in the end the friendly voice and sweet smile of the teacher made you want to join your ranks and new friends.
Although shy and with a muffled voice you start to sing along with your friends. Likewise, when the teacher waggled her body while posing in singing style, you followed even with a half heart.

They say, your fine motor skills still need to be trained. That's why the results of your coloring are still a mess. That's why you don't like the coloring contest the most. Even if forced to join usually only strong 10 minutes. After that your face looks so bored that you don't want to whine long enough to go home.

Time is rolling again. 2 years you have passed the kindergarten, you are ready to level up to elementary school. How excited you were that day. This time there's no need to bother to make you blend in with the line.
With a variety of uniforms you come to mingle following the admission program. Seen the principal and also Mr / Mrs teachers who are ready to give you knowledge lined up neatly in front.


Even so the news that you really like learning English can make us proud because English is certainly foreign to you, thank God that you like it.

Your burden is certainly heavier than kindergarten. Besides reading, you also have to start to be good at writing and counting. It feels amazing to see you playing fingers when counting. You apply what the teacher teaches at home.
Today by taking you to school, I know your condition here, and I know many friends who you used to tell when you get home.


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