Social Media Addiction - How To Stop?

in OCD3 years ago

Following up with my latest post about Why Is Gaming So Addicitve I am taking a look on a different but at least similar addiction.

The wide spread addiction to social media, and to be more precise, on how to maybe get rid of it

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Social media is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can also be a source of addiction.
According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, 1 in 5 adults admit that they check their phones more than once every hour.
The problem with this type of behavior is that it can lead to anxiety and depression if not addressed properly.

Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction is a real thing.
It can be a great tool, but it can also be a distraction. Social media can be addictive and a source of stress, anxiety and depression if used in excess.

The first step to avoiding social media addiction is recognizing that you have an issue.

Sounds simple, right, but it isn't!

The second step is taking action on your own accord by getting help from someone who specializes in helping people like yourself

Get better at managing their lives without technology being an excuse for why they are not doing things like exercising or eating healthy foods instead of watching Netflix all day long (which really isn't unhealthy, but you get the point).

Facebook Addiction Disorder

Facebook addiction is a real thing.
It’s not just a harmless Internet obsession or some kind of weird new-age fad, though it can seem like that at times. Facebook addiction disorder is more than just an excessive use of social media that causes problems in your life.
It's an actual mental health condition with symptoms including depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts caused by excessive use of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

You might have heard about people who say they feel like they have obsessive compulsive disorder (short, OCD) when they spend too much time on social networks; however this isn't true for everyone since there are many people who enjoy spending hours scrolling through their feeds without any negative effects whatsoever on their health or wellbeing whatsoever!

So if you're concerned about having a problem with your online behavior then don't worry - I got some tips here that could help get things under control once again :)

How to Stay Off Social Media

If you're worried about your social media usage, there are several ways to avoid getting addicted.

  • First, delete the apps from your phone and turn off notifications.
  • Second, use a separate device for social media and keep it somewhere else in the house so that it's out of sight when not in use.
  • Thirdly, make sure that you have a good reason for using social media—for example:

You need to stay connected with friends or family members who live far away

You want to do research on a subject related to work

You want better access/information about certain topics

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Get Rid of the Apps on Your Phone
  • Remove the apps from your phone.

  • Remove the apps from your computer.

  • Remove the apps from your tablet.

Remove the apps from your devices with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity, such as smartwatches (e.g., Apple Watch), fitness bands (e.g., Fitbit), etc...
If you have a TV that has an app store on it: remove all of those apps! The same goes for any other device connected via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi; if there's an app in there that's not needed anymore then get rid of it!

Keep Work and Play Separate - If Possible, Set Boundaries

If you can, it's important to separate your work and play. If you're at a job where people are watching what they say and doing on social media, try setting boundaries with your employer.

You can also set time limits for yourself so that if someone texts or calls while you're on the internet—say goodbye! It will help curb the temptation to check in regularly with friends and family members who aren't really close by anymore because they live far away from each other now (or maybe just one person).

Try Something Different with Your Spare Time

There are many ways to fill your spare time that do not involve social media.
Try something new with your spare time and make sure it's something you've always wanted to do, learn or master.

It's possible for social media to take over your time and attention.

Social media can be a time-suck, a distraction and a negative influence.
It's possible for social media to take over your time and attention.
Social media is addictive — and it's also one of the most common reasons people don't get enough sleep.


So, what do you think?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by social media? If so, how did you overcome it?
Let us know in the comments below!


Social media addiction is indeed a problem, so it's better to pay attention to it and stop in time.

For future reference, this topic would fit in Health & Recovery community, as OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.

Ya it’s a very addicting thing for our generation. Ppl spend more time on social media now days and most of the ppl are getting very much self oriented because of these.

I really miss those old days without this virus named “social media”

I try to set a timer. Just recently got into Tik Tok because I was worried I was missing pop culture stuff and I cannot describe how addicting it is. It's great to get another tool to access global information through but I've caught myself looking at it for 30 minutes straight sometimes -- so now I put 10 minute timers because that seems reasonable.