Thank you. I try to take a little rest time for myself throughout the week to help me get by.
Please do🤗🤗
Hahaha oh just wait till you hit your 40's...body pain ain't no joke. 😄
I'm already scared😂😂😂
Yes, crocheting is so freeing and relaxing. It calms my nerves and I get to make something all at the same time, it's a win win for sure. ☺️
I've checked out some of your works and I've gotta say... WOW
They are so beautiful and I especially love the amigurumi monsters.. they are so cute😤
Oh it was my pleasure as I really enjoyed it. Take care of that young body so when you get to be my age you won't hurt so much ~
I'll try my best!
Take care of yourself too🤗
Hahaha don’t be scared just be prepared. 😜
Aww cool thanks! I appreciate you checking out my work. It’s what I love to do. ☺️