A Picture of A Watch & A Writing

in OCD5 years ago

A Picture of A Watch & A Writing


As Blind Guardian says in the song named "Time what is time"

Time what is time
I wish I knew how to tell You why
It hurts to know
Aren't we machines
Time what is time
Unlock the door
And see the truth
Then time is time again

the watch that you can see in the picture is my father's watch but i used it nearly 8 years. It is a Seiko LM called Seiko Lord Matic. Recently i gave it to a watch maker and he ruined it adding inside two screws and originality of the watch has gone. Anyway it is a story like that.

Take care yourself and have a nice day everyone...!

Everything you can see in this article is belongs to me. Pictures,Writings and maybe sometimes Drawings,all of them belongs to me. If not,it is remarked before the article.



time goes forward for everyone unless you are Benjamin button, he goes the other way