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RE: Lomography Pictures & A Short Writing About Creativity

in OCD4 years ago

Actually lomography has a big world inside of itself.And i just show a part of try to say pinhole camera and their effects in the pictures of an amateur photographer who have many digital and analog cameras of course I know the roots of lomography are based on analogue cameras.Thank you for passing by and have a nice day...


Hmm, no, I am not trying to say pinhole camera or camera obscura. That's a bit differen but you could say it's lomography also. Lomography - it means you used photographic film in some kind of simple analog camera (or camera obscura). Oryginally it was russian cheap camera Lomo that splited one frame into two frames and the results was inpredictible and full of "errors". But on West people used for example: Diana camera, also very simple box camera.
I'm sorry but I mean that you just can't take two digital photos, edit them in photoshop or similar soft and call it LOMOGRAPHY or even multiexposure. It's like painting a picture in a computer and claiming that it is an oil painting on a canvas! And also multiexposure in context of lomography is when you take one shot on a single film frame, rewind film if you can in your camera and take another shoot at the same frame. Without being able to see the result imediately.
Sorry for the elaboration but that's a truth. Peace! Try lomography - it's very exciting!