Hello Me in 2019!
You won't probably read this because it's written by your future self. It's a week before the year ends and as you looked back, you realized that you had a blast. You were able to travel to places you dreamed of and you had a concrete plan about your international travel for 2020.
You were so excited. You were able to do your first major climb and you survived the 5th highest mountain in the Philippines. You were able to visit the rehabilitated Boracay and you had one of the most awesome travel experiences. You thought that 2020 would be a year of more travels.
Or so you thought.
No one can blame you for thinking that as you already booked a lot of them. You had the most positive outlook of what 2020 would be for you as you are starting to achieve those dreams you had when you were younger.
No one can really blame you from waiting for those promo flights while calculating if you can accumulate the funds needed for those travels. You never thought of backing down any travel invitation. You just thought you'll work harder and cut down those unnecessary expenses.
You just had an amazing year in terms of travel so no one can blame you if you look forward to another amazing year of being a wanderlust. As I am writing this to you in the middle of the night, all those amazing things that happened felt like they're coming back to me so I can't blame you for being too optimistic.
You were already three years in your work. You kept on saying that you would resign anytime soon, but nothing happened even until the end of 2019. You just thought of finding a different job in the year 2020. One of the reasons why you can't resign is because you got comfortable with what you're doing. Given the relative freedom that you had in your work, you cling to it without considering other options.

I realized it now that maybe you can't resign is because working didn't actually matter to you as long as you can fund your wanderlust tendencies. You thought that 2020 might be another year aimlessly wandering into your professional life. The truth is, you can't really decide on what to do next and that's the reason why you got stuck. It didn't matter to you though as it was not your main priority during your time. You just thought that 2020 might be good for your career.
Or so you thought.
Brace yourself as you are about to make the biggest decision about your career in 2020. I can't still say if I have made the best decision because it's still too early to tell, but I really do hope I made the right one.
Choosing my mental health over money is always the right one, but I'm not sure if it's a sound one financially. I'm still holding on and that's thanks to the support that I get, but my number one enemy is myself. Guess what? You won't change and probably won't change anytime soon.
I know your Christmas was a blast. You had parties here and there. You were having sort of a reunion with your friends and classmates from college. I know you had fun because I had this nostalgic feeling rushing in as I'm continuing to write this letter to you the night before Christmas.
I think this will be the quietest and uneventful Christmas I'll ever have. I barely go out of the house. I survive living on the internet most of my time. I had fun though. It feels like genuine interaction with the people I haven't met yet. I made the most unexpected places out of the most unexpected places. But it still feels lacking.
You were slowly starting to break free from the mould you subjected yourself into. You were planning to have a tattoo. You wanted to break free from the stigma that you have developed against those with tattoos. I can't blame you because you were to taught to be that way. You already had the design in mind, but I regret to tell you that having a tattoo won't happen in 2020.
The pandemic has ruined most of your plans. Don't worry though; 2021 might be a little bit better. But I have to be honest that I'm not that optimistic anymore. After what happened to the world, I'm starting to believe that anything could happen and I think I should start to live with it.

You are about to get drunk a few days after. It was your first time to feel the effects of alcohol in your body after years of hesitation. You had this burden that you might squeal all the secrets that people have trusted you to keep. You don't have to worry though. Other people would get wasted and won't remember anything the morning after but you're different. The only difference is that you'll start to be confident in speaking in straight English. Your alcohol tolerance is surprisingly high, but you'll end up taking care of your friends which you hated so much.
Another surprising thing about you when you get drunk is that you will have the urge to clean. You hated cleaning and doing the chores so much but when you get drunk, you want to clean the CR even if you can barely walk in a straight line. All those years of hesitation were just bonkers. I'm not suggesting that you'll get wasted too often, but you'll be fine.
You had a lot of plans. You wanted to pursue a lot of things and you just want to try them. You'll get bored eventually. Just live each day like it's your last. Have a blast. Tick all those things in your bucket list even if you don't really have a bucket list. You just try so many things that having a bucket list would be pointless. I know you thought 2020 would be your year. You already declared it.
Or so you thought.
You don't have to worry so much though. There are still a lot of things to be thankful for even if things didn't go as planned. I will be officially having my diving lessons in a few days and that's what excites me as of this moment. I'm not looking forward to the new year as much as you did, but I'm thankful for every single day that I'm alive.
I'm thankful for Hive as it literally keeps me alive until today. I can't imagine what my life would be without Hive. Wait. Maybe I'll just be a grumpy corporate slave. That's the only imaginable outcome I can think of if Hive didn't exist. I'm thankful for the people who are just a chat away. You have my sincerest gratitude @discoveringarni, @perceval, and @romeskie. I know I can count on you when I'm really down and I need someone to rant into. Thank also @livinguktaiwan for the trust, friendship, and professional interactions. Since I'm thanking everyone, you're included @acidyo. 😂
Special mentions: @kayceeports2020, @josejirafa, @themanualbot, @queenielee, @wandergirl, @hiddenblade, @glecerioberto, @choogirl, @martibis, @castleberry, @derangedvisions, @macchiata, @crazy-andy, @phortun, @adamada, and @thegaillery.
Always be grateful to the people who helped you hold on.
The Pragmatist to the Optimist,
Me in 2020

Kim Ybañez
Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines). He's also a trying hard photographer so stay tuned as he shares his photos and his thought process while creating them.
If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love. You can also reblog if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts.
Hi, Kim! Merry Christmas. I've been away for quite some time and reading your post makes me want to write mine, too. I also have read Arni's post. The flashbacks, though. 2020 is such a nerve-wracking and exhausting year. Too much excitement about what lies ahead in 2020 made me a bit pessimistic in 2021. Maybe 60(P)-40(O). Hope to overcome this one, though. And same as you, the self-imposed stigma of a tattoo keeps me from having one.
Anyway, may we have a recovering 2021. 😊
Hi! It's nice to see you back here. I'm excited to read what you would be posting. I'm sure it would be full of introspection and retrospection as with mine. 2020 is a beast and I can't believe it's the last day tomorrow. I'm a little bit pessimistic with 2021, but still hopeful it would be better.
tokens.Just live each day like it's your last, those words made my day.
Honestly, I also don't know what I would be doing right now if Hive didn't exist. Thanks to Hive I can help my family and have hope for a better future, even if it is not a very strong hope. Basically I have to thank all of you who are the people I have been with since I arrived at Hive, with whom I have had a lot of fun and distracted from my bad days. It's amazing what you do, don't stop. I hope to see more of your adventures soon, for now we will spend Christmas playing chess. 💚
To more years of fun and distraction and drama. 🙈
tokens.Cool, cool and awesome post I hear people say 😂
A tattoo and getting wasted? Exactly the lifestyle a young lad like you should be experiencing, dunno why it took you so long... Well, guess Covid is to blame for your tatto.
Good thing your Me in 2019 got a bit of a heads up otherwise all the changes might have been quite a shock for him!
I won't interact with comments like those. 😂
I guess I'm a late bloomer. I don't have to worry tho. I just want to know the feeling.
Now that you mention it, 2019 feels like very long ago. Perspective wise, it feels like a different life.
tokens.Hey Kim you are multi talent :)
Very well written.
It was a strange year indeed and each of us have different memories on 2020. Mine is positive. I get to spent a lot of time with my family as I still don't work (tourism sector). Travel wise it was not that bad either. Actually I did everything as planned and even more with researching my home country Slovenia. But futur travel planes are on hold and that is making me sad a bit, but still no big worries. I am an optimist...
This year I dedicated a lot of time to Hive and I started living as hivean. Befor on old platform I was up and down with pauses and lower quality posts, but now I really like sharing things with the whole Hive community and it makes me happy to see good response I am getting and how I "meet" other people through Hive.
What to add? Wish you all the best in some of the last days of 2020 and int he future as well. Wish you a lot of great posts as you spoiled us till now, so you have to continue :)
Thanks for the mention and I am sure our paths will cross soon...
It was probably for the best why things happened but I just can't see it now. With all the travel restrictions that happened here, it has taken a toll on me and my mental health. I don't really care much as long as I can travel.
2020 might end to be a negative one, but it puts things into perspective. It made me appreciate the good things that happened and made me realize those things could be gone in a snap.
I'm happy for you that your 2020 is a positive one. I'm also happy that you're sharing what you really love here. After all, it's what matters. As long as you're happy with what you're doing, things will progress in its due course.
As for me, I think Hive is the silver lining in all of these. Without Hive, I don't know where I would have ended up.
I hope our paths will cross soon! In real life.
tokens.I thought nodes were spitting errors when I saw the title. Thanks for the mention and interactions. You going to get a tattoo where? Interested in seeing the design and why now?
I still don't know where. The design will stay with me until it's inked. Why now? I don't know. It just felt right. Plus I already had my parents' blessings a year ago actually.
Put it in between the butt cheeks. That way only the real special people on your life will get to see it and feel how privileged they are for that wonderful milestone.
Did you design it or had it designed by someone else?
Whut? I was told that my first tattoo should be in a place where I could see it. I have no plans of letting people see my butt cheeks. Much more if I have a tattoo in there. 😂
I had it designed.
I don't envy driving in the Philippines from the traffic i have seen. I like that things could have been way worse just as they could have been way better. From Pragmatist to Optimist is a great direction to head in attitude and philosophy.
You said... "Always be grateful to the people who helped you hold on." I appreciate your special mention and this was a good read. I don't think you need to be grateful to me but i am grateful FOR you brother!
Hive has really had a positive impact on building up people with encouragement and connections across the world. I think many folks needed this outlet and community of weirdos to have some semblance of normality. I have a quote that really inspired my dad as he was dying for many years struggling with his health. He is long gone now but this quote helps motivate me to this very day as it did him during his hard times. I hope you can internalize it and that it may bring you some inner strength to your warrior spirit. Merry Christmas bro.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that! I’m always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You’re my son and you’re my blood. You’re the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, ya ain’t gonna have a life. “ -Rocky Balboa
The great Rocky Balboa! I don't know what to say or add to this. I'm just happy to know some people like you. That's what's I'm thankful for.
Merry Christmas Castle! Where's Bob Ross? 😂
Merry Christmas Bro!

That's more like it! And Happy New Year to you!
The best is yet to come brother! We will make it the best!
Know that I support your decision about having a tattoo 100%. Can't wait! 😁
Merry Christmas!
2020 is almost done and I'm not that optimistic about 2021 too. I mean after 2020, literally anything could happen. And we need to be always ready for anything.
Enjoy life. Have fun. Get that tattoo! Haha.
Love lots! 😘
I couldn't wait to have a tattoo too! Thanks, mommy! Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for the book! 😄
Loved reading your reflective post. I had no idea you wanted a tattoo and the effects of alcohol on you. Looking forward to hear more about that haha. For me, 2020 pulled the rug from under our feet which makes 2021 scary and obscure as it calls us to make hard decisions. This year is one of my saddest Christmases and I love Christmas. May 2021 bring back the optimist part of ourselves (mine just took a time machine and got lost). Merry Christmas Kim!
Merry Christmas Arni! Let's chikka when I get there on Sunday. 😂
May 2021 really bring back our optimist selves. It's too hard to distract myself from all the negative vibes. Sometimes I feel guilty if I'm having this positive vibe. Being too positive is at the expense of being oblivious to what's really happening and I also don't want that to happen to me. Hirap. Hahaha
I agree, hirap magbalance what to share online while being empathic, but this year made me more attuned and receptive to others. I am really looking forward to your dive escapade and having you in Moalboal for a visit. See you soon!
😱 It's in 2 days! I haven't prepared anything!
Awesome Post
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Cool! Looks like you're enjoying my demise.
Oh no! You engaged with a cool comment 🤪
He's a different kind of cool. He said he had to comment that so I feel obliged to reply. 😂
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Me too
Such an inspiring letter, @ybanezkim26.
Thank you! I'm glad this letter resonated in people.
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year @ybanezkim26! 2020 is indeed a great challenge for almost all of us. We both took a big decision to our careers. Cheers to a better year ahead! 😁🥂
Merry Christmas @wandergirl! I agree with that big decision. I hope it would be a better year next year.