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RE: How to make your post more curatable

in OCD3 years ago

Interesting! I also cringe at some posts specially in pinmapple, but I'm already immune in OCD. As a content creator, it became a sort of analysis-paralysis for me to think of something new or interesting. I don't want to get complacent and just post anything I want to post just because I earn from autovotes. I hope people will learn from this. Don't just post for the sake of having something to post in a day.

 3 years ago  

YES!! This right here! Just as @livinguktaiwan mentioned a lot of words doesn’t necessarily mean quality I feel many people think the more posts they publish the better chances they have. I actually enjoy posting very seldom because one, it’s less stressful and two I don’t get bored with it (and I think this helps my audience not get bored too). It’s more fun and interesting ideas come to my mind when I’m not forcing content out everyday just for the sake of posting.

I wish everyone thinks the same way as you @crosheille. I see some seasoned users shit posting twice a day just because they get a lot of auto votes, another thing that makes me cringe !!!