it can be seen from different perpectives, many times, the poor people as you said is so desperates that prefer take the risk of a bet in wich they have at least a very small oportuninty of win and aleviate their situation than await and have patience, because they don't have so many options. I am from Venezuela and at this time we are in a race against the economical crisis and the inflation doesn't permit have patience and I imagine that people in others countries for one reason or another are in similar conditions. For that I think that in many cases it depends of the individual situation of each person because we don't know the problems that can be afecting them and make them to do things like those.
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The way I see it, it would be much more smart for someone living in Venezuela to buy crypto, and try and earn crypto as well, instead of betting. I tried them both and the second option seems way better in both short term and long term.