The Simple Rules Of Dating

in OCD5 years ago

I'm not a dating expert.

I hate going on dates. But this seems like a piece of needed advice because I've been asked by 3 different guys on 3 different occasions for 2 weeks.


My answer was pretty simple - WHOEVER DEMANDS THE TIME.

Most times, the male folk seem pressured to meet up certain criteria. And really, I can't blame them. It's difficult asking a girl out, getting her to the venue, indulging in conversation you probably don't even find interesting, spending your hard-earned cash, and still most probably not getting laid. It sucks.

And I'm here to let you know that I understand.

I believe if all females had the same conscience as I do, the male folk would feel less stressed. But, sadly they don't.

My rules are so considerate, a guy told me 3 years ago that I'm the perfect girlfriend for a broke guy. It hurt, but I guess he was right. Having a conscience does place me on the back burner when guys are concerned. But, I have 6 brothers and I intend on treating every reasonable guy who comes my way exactly how I would hope girls would treat my brothers.

So, here they are, my 5 important rules of dating:

  1. Whoever demands the time pays the bills - This is simple. If as a girl, you ask a guy out, you should never expect him to pay the bills. It goes both ways. Doesn't it make sense to you? This leads to a very important rule 2.

  2. Always carry your own money - It's called "vex money". But I think it should just be called "your own money". It's simply common sense. I have a personal rule of never going out on a date with a guy unless I have enough money to pay my bills. This is regardless of if he demands my time or not. Based on personal experiences, some people are too senseless to understand rule 1.

  3. Split the bill only if it's a mutually necessary - I believe the bill should only be split when the time demanded was mutual.

  4. Don't be a bastard - Never, ever order for stuff you can't afford. Have a heart.

  5. If he's scum, just cut it short and leave.

My rules are pretty straight forward and commonsensical as far as I know. So, you're welcome.

I wish you success in your dating life. And I really do hope you get laid.



Chivalry goes both ways.

Congrats for instant respect as a Lady. Simple honest and to the point.

Impressive outlook. Makes me think and assess the future interaction.

I appreciate this.

I'm glad you like it.

Highly practical very intelligent and common Sense...

You would think that attitude was more widespread but thank you for listing it.

i think the person with more money should pay for that date

I honestly dunno how girls leave the house on a date without their own money 🤧