WHO AM I ???
Hello dear Hive platform community, today I will start my adventure as a content creator for this great platform community, I introduce myself as Wahyu saputra and my nickname is yuyu, I was born in 1988 on 27 April, I am native Indonesian citizen , Provinsi aceh - Lhokseumawe City, I am currently 32 years old and I have great enthusiasm to learn about the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Halo komunitas platform Hive yang terhormat, hari ini saya akan memulai petualangan saya sebagai pembuat konten untuk komunitas platform hebat ini, saya memperkenalkan diri sebagai Wahyu saputra dan nama panggilan saya yuyu, saya lahir pada tahun 1988 pada 27 April, saya warga negara Indonesia asli, Provinsi Aceh - Kota Lhokseumawe, saat ini saya berusia 32 tahun dan saya memiliki antusiasme yang besar untuk mempelajari dunia blockchain dan cryptocurrency.
I am a graduate of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic college which is the only State Polytechnic in Aceh-Indonesia Province, and I successfully graduated with a satisfactory score of 3.00
Saya lulusan perguruan tinggi Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe yang merupakan satu-satunya Politeknik Negeri di Provinsi Aceh-Indonesia, dan berhasil lulus dengan nilai memuaskan 3,00
Now I work as a teacher and my motivation to become a teacher, especially an art teacher, is to shape the creativity of students as the nation's next generation. Moreover, a teacher's job is to educate, guide and train students. I always want to explore the creativity of each student according to their talents and abilities, my achievement was winning the drama competition between schools and we came out as 1st place.
Sekarang saya bekerja sebagai guru dan motivasi saya menjadi guru, khususnya guru seni adalah untuk membentuk kreativitas anak didik sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Apalagi tugas seorang guru adalah mendidik, membimbing dan melatih siswa. Saya selalu ingin mendalami kreatifitas setiap siswa sesuai dengan bakat dan kemampuannya, prestasi saya adalah memenangkan lomba drama antar sekolah dan kami keluar sebagai juara 1.
To support my family, I work as a photographer, although my initial job as a photographer is often underestimated by many people, but photographer is considered a side job, which can not generate much profit, but it doesn't matter to me as long as I can support the needs of my family.
Untuk menghidupi keluarga, saya bekerja sebagai fotografer, walaupun pekerjaan awal saya sebagai fotografer sering diremehkan oleh banyak orang, namun fotografer dianggap sebagai pekerjaan sampingan, yang tidak bisa menghasilkan banyak keuntungan, tetapi tidak masalah bagi saya selama karena saya dapat mendukung kebutuhan keluarga saya.
My hobbies are singing and playing the guitar. I really like to sing anywhere and anytime, singing is the most fun thing to do.
I feel calm, comfortable, and at peace when I play guitar and sing,
So, in my opinion, music can be an alternative to relieve stress or boredom and channel talents.
Hobi saya adalah menyanyi dan bermain gitar. Saya sangat suka bernyanyi dimanapun dan kapanpun, bernyanyi adalah hal yang paling menyenangkan untuk dilakukan.
Saya merasa tenang, nyaman, dan damai saat bermain gitar dan bernyanyi,
Jadi menurut saya musik bisa menjadi alternatif untuk menghilangkan stress atau kejenuhan dan menyalurkan bakat.
What is the purpose of my coming here (Hive Blog)?
I came here aiming to be a content creator, especially as a music content creator, I promise I will always be diligent in contributing here and make the hive platform more advanced in the future.
Apa tujuan saya datang ke sini (Hive Blog)?
Saya datang ke sini bertujuan untuk menjadi seorang content creator, khususnya sebagai content creator musik, saya berjanji akan selalu rajin berkontribusi disini dan membuat hive platform lebih maju kedepannya.
I am very happy to be here and hear that Hive supports and helps all of the creators' content that is here and I can't wait to get started, it's been a great work experience. My best wishes are always with you HIVE.
Sincerely, to all the leaders of the OCD community, I am very grateful
Selamat datang di komunitas Hive @!
Kami sangat berharap Anda menemukan semua yang Anda cari dan telah menemukan rumah baru di sini.
Tujuh saran untuk dipertimbangkan:
kedengarannya terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, mungkin itu benar, begitu pepatah lama. Tidak ada yang gratis di sini.
Saya menemukan Anda karena @brittandjosie dan @jamerussell dari @heyhaveyamet mempresentasikan dan mempromosikan publikasi Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak eksposur dan membantu Anda tumbuh lebih cepat.
Jika Anda merasa kewalahan dan membutuhkan bimbingan, atau jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, tersedia Hivian yang dapat membantu Anda; Anda dapat mengklik untuk pergi ke The Terminal in Discord di sini:
Selamat bersenang-senang dan selamat Hiving!
Thanks you so much @jamerussell,. it's a great welcome, I'm happy to be on the hive.blog 😇🥰😍
Hello Wahyu
Hi from Hive
Yes You did it! You joined hive , a few months after the first birthday of the platform. So Hi there , it’s nice to meet you and welcome.
2021 is gonna be a great blogging year, not on the least because you decided to join!
The beginning can be daunting and the tech language sometimes is nervewrecking but believe me it do able ! No it’s not a free get rich quick sceam but you can earn if you are committed. It’s a true movement and blockchain, and I love that you decided to join us here. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. And the garden will have some great tags to blog in about that hobby.
But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, been here for three years already. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !
There are always scams so also here so you have been warned.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord the Terminal. Here is the invite again its totally free,
Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie I use Peakd to post to Hive, but Ecency is also a possibility. It’s a website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive. If you are interested for Android download : https://android.ecency.com, for iOS: https://ios.ecency.com, for desktop: https://desktop.ecency.com apps that helps you to connect, and that’s what we do here ! You can also earn to promote and boost your content. Again If you are interested https://ecency.com just some extra information in this early start of your journey here! Last hive.blog is an option too. Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord, as I said before we help there with problems or questions, for free don’t worry. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, all are in the same phase that might be helpful or reassuring. Newbie exposure in the beginning very important. https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !
Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the-criteria-for-a-quality-post-how-curators-make-their-selections
Welcome yuyu-arts!
Ecency is fastest website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
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Welcome to Hive Yuyu!
tks very much @iamyohann :)
welcome home brother @yuyu-arts, enjoy with us...
tks brother @owner99 :)
Selamat datang abang ganteng. Semoga betah!
hehehehehe terima kasih bg, baru bisa bls kmarin ga da power @abduhawab
welcome bro, enjoy aja kita... salam tewas hahaha
yoi bro :)
Discord server in order to interact with thousands of other Hive users and get whatever question you might have answered.Hello @yuyu-arts . This is @macchiata from the @ocd team. Welcome to the hive blockchain and congratulations for making your introductory post. Feel free to hop into our
Thanks you so much @macchiata for suport
Welcome aboard 😀
Posted using Dapplr
Thank you so much for support @crazy-unicorn 😍🥰
Welcome to hive bang 😃
Btw boleh nih kapan2 ngumpul ngopi bareng yok bg ? :)ehehheh nice to meet you @dilimunanzar,.
Siap diagendakan saja bang, Lumayan sibuk di Sate Sagobi, nanti kita lihat waktu yang pas, Siap teraweh mungkin bisa dijadwalkan nanti bang, sip👌
wuahhhhhh sate sagobi?? yg dmn ni bg? sawang cunda , punteuet atau dmn bg??
Sawang Cunda, bang 😅