
Haha , you may not have much choose soon , after crashing into a couple of building you will get the hang of it 😅

Lol, I'm not sure if my insurance can cover the damage of ramming into an office block! Though I'd be down with packing up my car into a briefcase. That'll make parking so much easier 😆 that would be cool it would have to be super light metal or fiber did enjoy that show as a kid 😅

I don't think the Jetsons were shown much on Malaysian channels, so I missed out quite a bit on that 🙃

Who ever made this cartoon was really looking through a crystal ball the world will come to this one day 🙂

That, and the Simpsons. I don't know how, but I feel like I could tell what the future is going to be like depending on what I see on the Simpsons. There's some time travelling going on there, surely.

Haha , i wonder what these guys are smoking when they produce these shows 😅