Another great piece here, mate ❤️! It's amazing to see how much a well-knit and passionate community has accomplished all on its own, and with the support of amazing developers to build new DApps and services connecting to the Hive.
I do wonder, out of curiosity, if this model would prove to be stable and efficient once we grow bigger. With the momentum that we have now, there's no doubt that Hive will grow to become one of the more talked about social networking sites, and it's a curious thought to wonder how we'll regulate ourselves then. There's issues like racism, hate, sexism, and other such despicable things being spread on other sites.
Then, once we grow bigger, won't the costs for maintaining Hive be equally more expensive? I wonder if we'll have to start opening up spots for advertising, or the like. Very curious questions in my mind 🤔.