Photo by Fábio José Lima on Unsplash
A crash and reset was inevitable, but I didn't think that a a virus (real or overblown) would be the tool used by controlling insitutions worldwide to utterly wreak havoc.
Don't get me wrong, I'm more afraid of tripping and falling down the outside stairs and breaking my neck on the way to my car than I am of Covid-19, which is a type of virus that resembles the common cold and the flu. They say that it is spreads ten times faster than normal, and sure, it may have an increased effect on extremely elderly and already sick individuals. The symptoms resemble pneumonia, which is a very common cause of death for the elderly already.
Those of us that are in the "fringe thinking" subgroup of society, you know, the ones that people wave off with our strange ideas of personal liberty, the ones that are called "conspiracy theorists" because we read a bunch of books written by best selling authors that just happen to not be talked about by the talking heads on CNN and NBC? Yeah, we've been talking about this sort of event for the last few years, although admittedly me personally, as the title suggests, did not expect to see this lousy excuse for a fearmongering campaign to quite literally bring every facet of society to a halt.
I don't think a lot of people are ready for the type of economic turmoil that is going to be unraveled with this scenario. Even after its all done and over, with what I would guess will be a pitiful let down for the doomsday prophets who say that 150 million people are going to die; even with a death count miniscule in size and scope (unless stats are manipulated and twisted to overinflate deaths due to "coronavirus" that could actually be just the common flu and more likely pneumonia) the effects on the economy are going to be disastrous.
Not just the economy either. Changes that severely limit the rights of citizens have the nasty habit of staying put after the initial spectacle is over. Just go to any airport in America to see what the effects of that September, 2001 "event" (which shall remain unnamed for curation purposes) brought forth. From travelling free of hassle to being subjected to giant radiation machines and x-rays to random pat downs and general demoralization of the traveler!
With talks in the works about health screenings for passengers landing from other countries in the U.S., why do I get the feeling that these "tests", whatever they may be, will stay in place after coronavirus is nothing but a distant memory? What sort of Orwellian measures will come forward in the near future? There really is no limit to what the police-state the the U.S. has become is capable of. Random health screenings on the streets?
"Here, I just need you stop and let me check your temperature and get a throat swab?"
This could in fact be the massive reset and globalist takeover that many have warned about (Jim Marrs, David Icke)…using a virus would be a pretty optimal strategy. Statistics can be manipulated to overinflate fears of the virus, the fear mongering would be massive for most people who have really no idea what sort of psychopaths they are dealing with at the very top of the pyramids of power. In the name of "public health" nearly anything could be shut down, much like is already happening.
My favorite snowboarding resort Keystone just shut down for an entire week. Is there nothing sacred to the powers that be?
I think that there will be a silver lining in all of this though, for people that can roll with the punches and ride the waves; people that can see what's going on and predict what may happen next. There will be financial opportunities no doubt, many companies and industries are going to be devastated that they will sell for pennies on the dollar…and cryptocurrencies may be in a prime position to be invested in.
Many people, however, will be caught in the trap, without the proper skills needed. Working from home could be a huge incentive, if nothing else than to "avoid contact" with other people that are potential "carriers" (although I view that idea as completely bogus). So writers on Medium could have an opportunity if they can remain consistent and publish solid and useful information, which should be plentiful during this time of contrived crisis.
Online social media businesses could be see a boom as working remotely will be seen as "safer". I know I'll be doing some research into this idea, as in now, to see what type of opportunities there are during the maelstrom. Better to adapt to the environment and plan for the future, as social structure could see a dramatic change (especially for the normies watching cable television for their information).
So if this is a major reset then the time is nearly at hand to figure out a way to get out of this mess. I personally have my sights set on other countries. Mexico is a start, as they have seen basically no cases, which seems to be the case with Central America in general. With how cheap the cost of living is down in those countries (not to mention the beaches and lack of normies) they may just never have looked better.
We'll see how this all unfolds and I'll do my best to come up with not only updates but health advice as well, to help people get through this manufactured crisis to hopefully come out the other side in good shape.
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