Photographing a small butterfly perched on a tree branch

Good morning to all Hive friends. Hopefully you are all in good condition and continue to be enthusiastic in carrying out your various activities in this morning's atmosphere and most importantly always remain in a healthy condition and full of grace for all of you.

On this occasion, I would like to share another post with you all about A small butterfly that is on a branch of wood that is standing on wood in my backyard at this time it looks like this butterfly has a tiny body size. However, it has wings that have such beautiful colors to look at for a small animal like this.

Basically, every insect is the same, they are still one of the animals that use honey to enjoy as their main food. So they will always look for flowers to take the honey petals contained in the flowers to suck as their main food so that they can survive and always be active as they should.

According to my savings, these insects do not have any differences with insects in general, they are still insects that are often around the area of ​​tree branches and are also often in the area of ​​flowers as a location where they look for food. In addition, they also slowly grow by themselves according to the journey they take on the surface of this earth.

The life cycle of this insect also certainly begins with a caterpillar which then changes itself into a cocoon until it is born into a small butterfly that has beautiful colors like this and this cycle will certainly continue to rotate as long as their lives continue to run between changes in time from one butterfly will change into many other butterflies that will be born in the future.

Below I have prepared some photo documentation that I can share with all my friends. I hope that you all like the photos that I will share with all of you on this posting occasion :

That's my post on this occasion, I hope all my friends like what I have shared on this occasion we will meet in the next post later, stay enthusiastic to continue working on Hive for all my friends.

##my best regards @bodrex27

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