a dog should never be missing
I think that sums up the experience of your collage, for it is an experience. There is exquisite attention to detail, and gently calibrated emotion. That is the word for your collage: gentle.
Your mother sounds wonderful, and how wonderfully you convey the sense of her. The apron is perfect. You've a right to be proud.
The image gallery from which you derive inspiration and which you use as source material is by itself rewarding. It's a great collage, with an impressive back story.
Good luck. You will do well, I believe.
Warm regards,
I was lucky to have strong and fantastic women in my life. My mother and my grandmother were two extraordinary people. My mother taught me poems and how to make all kinds of things; my grandmother taught me how to tell stories. A lot of what I am today is that.
It is true what you say about the challenges of 'shaka. I have found myself waiting for the picture of the week with true longing. The collage has me in love and these weekly meetings have become in such a short time very appreciated by me. Not only for the photo, but for everything that moves around collages in this community.
This week I also remembered my childhood and it was good. Y
In my place we are fine and we plan to be like that. Take care of yourself.
Recibe un abrazo enorme!Dear @agmoore, I never read Ingalls' books, but I did watch the TV series based on "The Little House on the Prairie" when I was little and I loved it. However, a couple of years ago, in a notalgic outburst, I tried to watch an episode and didn't make it... hehehe.