Round 191 - A starry night of love


Hola Lmacians, bienvenidos a una nueva edición de la ronda 191 de @lmac

En esta ocasión la plantilla de esta semana se presento para muchas ideas llenas para aplicar, desde lo lúgubre hasta lo mas tierno y amoroso, en este caso, me planteé en buscar una escena romántica y nocturna y rápidamente encontré esa preciosa canoa LIL, luego todo se volvió mas bello al ver esas montañas al fondo, muchas gracias a @hernleon74 me pareció genial el castillo entre las nubes, seguí buscando en lil algunos personajes y que mejor que las figuras que tiene @agmoore, encajo perfectamente cada figura en la escena, incluido el perrito, y por ultimo la gran luna imponente de @quantumg, donde esta trata de llevar con su movimiento a los personajes hacías las estrellas y así contar las mil y un formas de amarse.

¡Espero que les haya gustado amigos! ¡Que tengan buena suerte para esta ronda y buenas vibras! :D


191 roundup.Hello Lmacians, welcome to a new edition of @lmac's

This time this week's template presented itself for many ideas full to apply, from the gloomy to the more tender and loving, in this case, I set out to find a romantic and night scene and quickly found that beautiful canoe LIL, then everything became more beautiful when I saw those mountains in the background, thanks to @hernleon74 I found the castle among the clouds great, I kept looking for some characters in lil and what better than the figures that @agmoore has, he fit perfectly each figure in the scene, including the little dog, and finally the big imposing moon of @quantumg, where it tries to take with its movement the characters to the stars and thus tell the thousand and one ways to love each other.

I hope you liked it folks, good luck for this round and good vibes! :D

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LILPor @agoomre en

LILPor @agoomre. en





WOW! this is so beautiful.

Thank you very much my friend! :D

Oh my, your imagination has taken us away this time, @edgarafernandezp. What a lovely, fantastic image. We are in the boat with the children and the dog, filled with wonder. Beautiful.

Thank you for using LIL images. This is a wonderful addition to Round #191

Hi @agmoore, nice to greet you after a while, thank you so much for your #lil images, they were perfect for this, quite lovely, thanks for your input they really are excellent :D
