Let's Make a Collage -Round 205|| Imagen de un derrame-Image of a spill

Hola amigos!

Siempre me ha gustado ver el arte en todas sus manifestaciones y hacerlo en aquellas áreas en las que me sienta cómoda y pueda transmitir un mensaje.

Cuando vi la nueva plantilla, rápidamente vino a mi mente una notica que tiene poco más de un año y trataba de que uno de los barcos encargados de transportar hidrocarburo de la empresa Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), había derramado parte de este al mar. Sin caer en la discusión acerca de si fue o no un accidente, ese derrame se esparcía rápido y a su paso iba dejando contaminación.

Afortunadamente, las autoridades encargadas tomaron acciones de forma rápida y pudieron subsanar el problema.

Mi Collage se explica dentro de este contexto. Espero sea de su agrado.

Hello friends!

I have always liked to see art in all its manifestations and to do it in those areas where I feel comfortable and can convey a message.

When I saw the new template, it quickly came to my mind a news that is a little over a year old and it was about one of the ships in charge of transporting hydrocarbon of the company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), had spilled part of it into the sea. Without getting into the discussion about whether or not it was an accident, the spill was spreading fast and leaving pollution in its wake.

Fortunately, the authorities in charge took prompt action and were able to rectify the problem.

My Collage is explained in this context. I hope you like it.

Mi collage

Para su realización conté con la inspiración de la imagen provista por @shaka

Además de las imágenes de #lil también utilicé imágenes de Pixabay.

@alex2alex-Public art from "Sculptures Garden" in Tel Hashomer
Editado en Photoscape
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Gracias por tu visita

Thank you for your visit!!


Thank you for identifying the picture, @esthersanchez.

I love your response (collage). Although the government acted quickly to clean it up, that could not save the many creatures who must have perished. A tear indeed for the loss.

Sometimes I feel that we humans, who enjoy consciousness within creation, don't take seriously the damage that is caused to nature, We don't realize that the damage we do to it we do to ourselves.
Thanks for the empathy! A hug!Thank you @agmoore!

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Gracias amigos!!

Me encantó @esthersanchez

Hola! que lindo que pasaras. Me alegra que te haya gustado.
Muchas gracias @emiliorios!

I see the city life as a monster damaging the environment. We feel it but we don't have enough will power to stop it. Because we don't really see the background support systems for cities. These infrastructures consumes a lot.

... People with their conscience asleep with control in their hands and those of us who have our eyes open sometimes find our hands tied. Sad but true, it is the chronicle of a disaster foretold.
I appreciate your visit and comment!

Me gusta la imagen.