Elaborado por Gala de 9 años, inspirado en el espacio, la decisión de que la leona viva en el planeta jupiter es porque en la tierra viven muchas leonas, en marte hay extraterrestres y jupiter es lo suficientemente grande para que viva y como tiene pelaje y sangre caliente no pasará frio.
Made by Gala, she is 9 year old, inspired by space, the decision for the lioness to live on the planet jupiter is because many lionesses live on earth, on Mars there are aliens and Jupiter is big enough for it to live and as it has fur and warm blood it will not go cold.
by Gala
by @shaka
Imagen de 0fjd125gk87 en Pixabay
Contributed to the #LIL by @eve66.
Contributed to the #LIL by @quantumg.
Hello @galart 👋
Well done!
Good luck. :-)Many thanks to you for using my #LIL contribution in your beautiful picture. Makes me happy to see!