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RE: Reflecting on Work and Leisure in My Collage for LMAC 141

in Let's Make a Collage2 years ago (edited)

I feel it's true what you say in your article:

And yet, in every country, no matter the dominant ism, one is likely to find an elite class, and a laboring class.

Even in the poorest countries, kings, queens, presidents, ruling parties and their elitists friends sit atop castles, live afloat on yachts, and live in elite residential areas.

The middle or working class bear the brunt of society, alleviating the rich from participating in their fair share, and supporting the unfortunate and poor.

The poor will never rise above their station so oppressed are they that are kept in their position by the society that caters to the elite.

No matter where in the world they exist.

Thanks so much for sharing your collage and information. I appreciate you including one of my fractal art pieces in your scene. It does make for an ominous cloud. I appreciate your support.

Take care.


The poor will never rise above their station

Your words are truer than you may realize. I wrote an essay a few years ago. Here's an excerpt:

In 1807, for example, the British MP Davies Giddy advocated for continued illiteracy of the poor. To educate this class of people, Giddy admonished Parliament, would teach them “to despise their lot in life”. With access to books and troubling ideas the poor might no longer be “contented servants”. They might even, heaven forbid, become “insolent to their superiors.”

I have read similar statements from Americans. If everyone goes to college, who will drive the taxis? Wait on tables? Essentially, who will serve us?

I appreciate your comments, @justclickindiva. And I want to thank you for that great cloud. Picture wouldn't have been the same without it.

Take care :)

You're welcome. this is where the first Americans that Britain sent to the U.S. learned this from.. The actions are exactly how they treated the African Americans they received in the Atlanta Slave trade. Laws in the U.S. were then created. The plantation owners vowed to scatter, not educate, not allow the family unit to exist, and never allow them to form any type of group opposed to their station in life.

Of course, in conjunction, they also had at their service I believe a German scientist validating them as the superior race.

Yes, if all citizen believe they are of value in this life and meant for something better, who will serve the one who also believe they are entitled?

I also heard a U.S acclaimed historian say that a certain group is fearful other races will eventually outnumber them. And, they won't forget the mistreatment they were served.

I truly don't feel the world will ever function in a manner equitable to all.

Take care.
