Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 161 - ✨131 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

HERE and knows the rules.Hello everyone, today I'm here to share with you my participation in Round 160 of the Let's Make a Collage contest, which is an initiative of @shaka; You can also participate, just click


To make this collage I took public domain images , the sources of the images are the following:


Pixabay @agmoore


Looks victorian, nice work! And a good image selection also. Mine is still on diapers and the electricity went off and I lost some work (again hehehe)

Good luck on the selection!

Muy de época, parece victoriano, muy buen trabajo! Una buena elección de imágenes. Yo el mío lo tengo en pañales y encima se me corta la luz

Hola, gracias... Que problema con la luz, por acá se va es el internet, ya debes tener una grandiosa idea para tu collage, suerte en esta Ronda.

You used my little lady! She fits there, in front of the wagon. All the pieces in this collage go together nicely. The gent in the robe is impressive and consistent with the other elements.

Nice job. Thanks for using LIL pictures, @keisslermt. Good luck in the competition this week.

Gracias, me alegra que te haya gustado; Saludos amiga.