Hagamos un collage - Un concurso para todos los creativos de Hive - Ronda 57 - ¡✨

This week @shaka, invites us to the round No. 57 of the Let's Make a Collage Contest, provides us a beautiful image, which we will modify using our creativity, the truth is that I am not very practical doing this, but use my imagination and here is my participation.

keyli collage.png


The LMAC community looks forward to your contribution!

To make this collage I used images that are free to use from https://www.pinterest.es/ and https://pixabay.com/es/, I hope you like it, here are the rules of the competition to encourage you to participate:

Banner Keyli.png


You did a good job with the water and sky effects. The sky is wonderful. And you managed to turn the peaceful scene into a horror movie :))
Good luck!

Gracias, no soy muy buena haciendo esto, pero me esfuerzo para el concurso, Saludos!

Good collage. 👏👏 At first, I also thought about Godzilla and monsters, but then I created something else.

Gracias, desde que vi la imagen pensé en godzilla atacando la ciudad!

Así es. Pero estaba seguro de que alguien haría un collage así. (google translate) 😎👏👏

Godzilla causando estragos!

Is it an interdimensional portal that I see up there? All the beasts that unleash the chaos and are destroying the world came through it?
I love the apocalyptic spirit of your collage! Good luck!
I'll be back to vote as soon as I'm recharged.