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RE: Fire! in My Collage for LMAC #163

Explosive collage. It's interesting how fire features prominently in our stories, legends, and myths around the world. We speak of the Holy Fire, the burning bush, Shiva's flames, Dante's inferno, the fire of consciousness, and so on. Let's also not forget the witches burned in the past. It's as if we believe that fire has so much power, it can burn off imagined evils. The following is picture by Carl Jung in which he drew fire using the style reminescent of the "collective unconscious".



Wow, that's a great image. Kind of creepy and really suggestive at the same time. When I think about it, being able to make fire is what separated us from beasts. Supposed to be a major influence on human evolution :)

Thanks for your comment. As always, informative and interesting.

Kind of creepy and really suggestive at the same time.

True. I hadn't noticed the details. It's from a series of illustrations in his red book. Interesting guy.