2024 - A little review

in Let's Make a Collage3 months ago

Hi friends,

It really was a very creative year with fantastic, beautiful, inspiring and touching impressions.
A thousand thanks for all that, dear community!Finally, the year 2024 is coming to an end. A lot has happened, many great rounds, entries, freestyle collages and great contributions to #LIL have been made.

🍀 The LMAC team wishes all Hivers a Happy New Year, best of luck and many blessings. 🎉💥

The review

Often, great contributions receive far too little time and attention. Therefore, we would like to give another little moment of attention to some of this year's most memorable works.
As the year has 12 months, 12 collages have been selected for this review.
Choosing just 12 collages from all our creative submissions in 2024 was no easy task. The list of candidates was quite long at the beginning of this endeavor and it was a huge struggle to get this list smaller.
So please don't be too disappointed if none of your collages are listed here - this is not meant as disrespect. It is highly likely that your collage was among the candidates for selection.

Below in the comments section you can find individual comments with the names of the artists mentioned here. If you want, you can help to collect tips for them by giving the comments a vote. As soon as the rewards have been paid out, the liquid portions will be forwarded to the artists.



A fantastic surreal work by @bayuismail (January 2024) about the power of imagination and the inner creative navigator.


What creature could be a better investigator than a cat? Patience, keen senses and enthusiasm make this animal a perfect choice for the job.
A picture by @m16uellop (January 2024) about a cat in the role of a paranormal investigator.


A funny comedic portrayal of a ship in beastly distress, by @yetsimar (March 2024).


Haute couture exclusively at LMAC. A stylish and elegant portrait made by @kerlymera (April 2024).


In “Heritance of Life” @almajandra (April 2024) portrayed the spirit of creational power and how the will can preserve and increase natural beauty in a wonderful and very colorful way.


Discovering the world expands the mind. This very much seems to be the spirit behind @eve66's “Ciudad Vibrante” (May 2024). A fantastic surreal adventure of discovering the world's most exciting cities.


The story of the battle of a giant gingerbread man against evil wizards in this magical collage by @yetsimar (June 2024).


“Beyond” is a colorful, dreamy, surreal adventure in the form of a collage, made by @anibal-aa (July 2024)


“Stellar Fisherman” really is a dreamlike collage by @soyernesto (July 2024). But the protagonist in this beautiful work about a divine cat that can fish out of the ocean like with a spoon from a bowl of soup has an even more dreamlike life.


To clear the mist is a highly challenging undertaking, which @bayuismail has impressively illustrated in his beautifully surreal work “Clearing the Mist” (October 2024).


A walk under a full moon is wonderful and there is something magical about it. In @anibalj's beautyfull collage "In the Moonlight" (November 2024), aliens stop by to visit the walkers under the light of our satellite.


“Surreal Fantasy” (November 2024) by @eve66, totaly fulfills what it promises in its title - it is pure surreal fantasy and it is wonderful.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @bayuismail, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @m16uellop, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @yetsimar, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @eve66, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @kerlymera, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @almajandra, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @anibal-aa, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @soyernesto, leave a vote here.


If you would like to help collect a tip for @anibalj, leave a vote here.


Hermosos Collages presentados a los largo de este 2024, que bueno que hagan este reconocimiento a 12 artista de los participantes de este maravilloso concurso, Gracias @lmac por el trabajo que realizan para darle vida al concurso Hagamos un collage, les deseo a todos un venturoso y prospero año nuevo!.

Un bello paseo. Recargo mi voto y paso por aquí.