LMAC Round 177 - The Final Poll! Vote for your favorite entries and help decide who the winners will be [107 HIVE to be awarded]!

in Let's Make a Collage2 years ago
Countdown terminated on Jun 28, 2023, 11:30 AM


Welcome everyone to the final Poll of Let's Make a Collage - Round 177!

In this poll all Hivers are invited to decide on the distribution of 107 HIVE among this week's LMAC finalists!

LMAC and LILcontributions!Our community awards were made possible by all our participants who set the @lmac account as a 20% beneficiary in their

are redistributed by 100% and are to ensure that our prize pool is able to grow in tandem with an increasing number of submissions.All proceeds which the @lmac account receives as beneficiary

If you haven't yet found the time, please visit our community page to inspect this week's amazing entries in all detail. All submissions are still in active payout so please consider to upvote and comment to encourage all contributors!

Please join us in applauding the finalists of the LMAC contest, Round 177:

Please vote for your favorite candidates by upvoting the respective comment below. Voting for several candidates is allowed and appreciated!

The final ranking is stake-weighted! If you wish to give your vote the maximum weight make sure to vote at 100%. Please vote at least three finalists.

The poll will close after 24 hours!

Template Image -> Original post


-> Original post@bayuismail:

-> Original post@adncabrera:

-> Original post@inessita:

-> Original post@drydia:

-> Original post@zenai:

-> Original post@oadissin:

-> Original post@andre-marg25:

-> Original post@anibal-aa:

-> Original post@huruhupes630:

-> Original post@clemenp:

-> Original post@edgarafernandezp:

-> Original post@cre47iv3:

-> Original post@evagavilan2:

-> Original post@ross92:

-> Original post@yetsimar:

Please vote for the submissions you like the most! 📌 Multiple selection is allowed and appreciated! Note that the poll will close 24h after its publication!

Good luck everyone and till tomorrow!

💬If you have further questions about the LMAC or the LIL let us know in the comments or come right over to our dedicated Discord at:

📢 >>> https://discord.gg/CEPZVdmYmf <<< 📢

🎨 The LMAC | 🏠 Our Community | 🚂 The LMAC Curation Trail | 🏅 The LMAC Contributor Badge | 🎓 The LMAC School | ❤️ Our Delegators: 🟠Bronze ⚪️Silver 🟡Gold 💎Diamond | 💬 Our Discord |🧑‍💻 Our Github | 🏞 The LMAC Image Library (LIL) | 🌎 Our Website

Countdown terminated on Jun 28, 2023, 11:30 AM

The 177th round of the #LMAC shows once again the variety of possibilities in the implementation and artistic interpretation of @shaka's template.

Just like in a giant toy shop, no one who enters can claim not to have found something to their taste.

In any case, I have also expressed my “interest in buying" at this vernissage of the LMAC with an upvote, and I am eagerly waiting to see who will make the "race".

Die 177ste Runde von #LMAC offenbart wieder einmal die ganze Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten, was Umsetzung und künstlerische Interpretation von @shaka’s Vorlage betrifft.

Ähnlich wie in einem riesigen Spielzeugladen kann niemand, der das Haus betritt, behaupten, nicht etwas für seinen Geschmack gefunden zu haben.

Ich habe jedenfalls auch bei dieser LMAC-Vernissage mein »Kaufinteresse« mit einem Upvote bekundet und warte gespannt, wer das »Rennen« macht.