The Christmas in the world of Dwarves - Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 153 - ✨148 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

How's life going everyone! The atmosphere of Christmas and New Year in the world of Dwarves where there are lots of gifts and this is an illustration of a fantasy world that is full of happiness. Here is my entry for LMAC Contest Round 136th. Let me know what you guys think of the collage.
LMAC moodbooster.jpg

Source to all the images used inside this collage

All images are taken from copyright free image sources, that are Whitelisted by the LMAC Community. For the photos taken from the LMAC gallery, the contributors are added as 2% beneficiaries of this post.
Template Image / Image taken by Shaka

LIL Gallery

Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.


Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay
If you like to participate in the Let's Make a Collage Contest - Round 136, then here is the announcement link: