My entry for round 138 " Enjoying natural wonders" // Mi entrada para la ronda 138 " Disfrutando de las maravillas naturales"


Greetings friends. Today I share with you my collage for the 138th round of Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive, as well as I invite you to participate and show that agility and creativity that many of us carry inside and we don't know it until we try. If you would like to participate go to the following link PARTICIPATE and join this wonderful community and participate week by week.

My collage this week. I developed it inspired by how great it is to take some time off and enjoy the wonders that nature has to offer. Recharge ourselves with energy and peace in those beautiful places of our cities, with wonderful creatures, landscapes that give us every corner of our city.

Saludos amigos. Hoy les comparto mi collage para la ronda 138. De Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive , como también te invito a ti a participar y demostrar esa agilidad y creatividad que muchos llevamos por dentro y no lo sabemos hasta que lo intentamos. Si te gustaria participar entra al siguiente enlace PARTICIPA y únete a esta maravillosa comunidad y participa semana a semana.

Mi collage esta semana. Lo desarrolle inspirándome en lo grandioso que es tomarnos un tiempo libre y disfrutar delas maravillas que nos ofrece nuestra naturaleza. Recargarnos de energía y paz en eso lugares hermosos de nuestras ciudades, con maravillosas criaturas, paisajes que nos regalan cada rincón de nuestra ciudad.

The images I use are free to use from Pixabay. // Las imágenes que utilice son de libre uso de Pixabay


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This is unique. The whale, is it in the air or under water? And the man resting, is he under water or on land..? Anyways, you have done a nice work ..